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(MATURE WARNING. Huge glass of lemonade ahead. I am not making this up. This gets filthy.

Connor, you hornball.)

While you ate mindfully, Connor kept up the conversation, but made it a point to lift his hand to his indicator occasionally. It took four times before you finally asked if he was all right, to which he responded with a small, sheepish smile. "I think I am, I apologize. My attempts to run diagnostics can only go so far, I'm afraid."

Unsurprisingly you nodded. "Which programs are being a bitch?"

"Namely my polygraph. I typically do not have concerns with this, but--... ah. I am missing a key component, no wonder." His smile widened as he leaned his head into his hand, firmly at his forehead, chuckling quietly. "I need another being to test it. Forgive me, Detective, you are a charming distraction and I'd forgotten I need someone else."

The RK800's embarrassed laughter, along with the tinge of color in his face, made him feel more human than android. Delicately wiping your mouth with a napkin, your head tilted. "So... let's test it. Let me, uh..." Eyeing your plate, you'd eaten more than half of the pancakes, but they were so damn filling. "... okay, I'm not eating anymore. I'm finished. So let's get out of here and make sure your polygraph is up to snuff."

As his face softened, you ended up staring at your Roomba's expression. He was so comfortable, his motions relaxed, easily keeping up the conversation. Your gaze was fixated on the lock of hair that fell from his careful style.

Then you realized he was watching you stare, instantly setting your face ablaze. "If you are finished, Detective, we can head to the precinct." The android stood and helped you to your feet. While you pulled your winter coat back on, he went to pay as his outerwear was tugged on, as well. Within a minute the two of you were strolling down the sidewalk towards the precinct. With slight hesitation, he stuck an arm out, his hands in his pockets.

His regulator skipped a beat when you took the offered arm.

There was no rush; the precinct was a few blocks away, but the sidewalks were ice-free and relatively deserted. Stealing a peek, Connor bit back his grin, taking note of your content expression. Within seconds snow began to fall in lazy, random paths. It was gentle, but the flakes were large, so where they stuck was easily seen.

The android hardly paid attention, but you completely stopped walking to watch the sky. No matter how often you saw the snow, a calm snowfall always made you stop to watch. It was like peace itself had graced the ground, and you'd turned into nothing more than the plantlife rooted in the soil: standing still to accept the offering and letting your anxieties be buried in the snow.

A small step apart from you, the RK800 was watching you watch the sky. Whatever you were thinking, he didn't know. Nor did he want to. The snow had somehow let you relax, right in the middle of the sidewalk, flakes slowly sticking to your hair and clothing. Interrupting this trance of sorts felt cruel.

[I am aware of how dangerous these feelings are in our line of work, but you do not understand. I cannot turn back. You do not see what I do.

... I doubt that any deity would hear what an android has to say. But whether I must pray, focus, meditate, or just hope... I will do anything to hear you say you love me.]


Going to the precinct just for a test on a specific software seemed unnecessary, but the android knew that if there was anything wrong, there were tools and programs available. The apartment had very little. With you on his arm again, the two of you entered the building and sighed at the lovely rush of warmth. "Detective, were you wanting coffee beforehand? The test shouldn't take too long, but it will have to be a proper test."

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