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The entire workweek passed without so much as a petty theft to investigate. For the most part, you could only train so much without being on field duty. You did your best, and Hank even offered suggestions on more specific scenarios that the RK800 might have trouble with.

Beyond your duties, however, you noticed that without driving you to and from the precinct, Gavin didn't really see you as often as he'd have liked, not that he would admit it. He did stop by your desk to talk, proving that he did not take the chance you gave him for granted. You, Connor and Hank had all convinced the precinct to use his first name... and he seemed happier. Still fairly rough around the edges and dropping F-bombs like they were confetti, but happier.

Admittedly, you enjoyed his company, and even mentioned once or twice that you'd like to see him more frequently. This was followed by his usual fluster and a few choice swear words at his idiocy, and you always had to calm the man back down.

Outside of work was a slightly different story. Now that you lived with the RK800, it felt like you two were attached at the hip. Same apartment, same commute, the training...

Surprisingly, Connor kept himself at a respectful distance. Close enough for assistance when needed, but ready to back off and give you privacy when you needed to be by yourself. You were leery of his behavior after the chaotic Sunday, but the android didn't even try to make physical contact unless he had to. And there were no remarks of a sexual nature, either, which let you slowly put your guard down and feel more content living with him.

Where he'd learned to cook, you had no idea, but the boy was phenomenal.

Connor had learned quickly what was and was not acceptable, as well as how to bury his real thoughts until you could not see him. He'd told Hank that he would handle himself, but after both you and himself had given in, it was constantly replaying in his head. But you told him that it was a one-time thing, and so he would just have to grin and bear it.

It was better than you avoiding him altogether.


Saturday afternoon found you relaxing on the sofa, balancing a laptop on your thighs while you worked on a case file. Connor had himself hooked up to another laptop, probably running diagnostics as a weekly checkup thing.

The knock at the door was sudden, making you both turn to stare at the door. But since the android was in a worse position to greet company, you saved your work and set the laptop on the coffee table. Peering into the tiny fisheye window, you furrowed your brows before opening the door. "Gavin? Hi, how... how'd you figure out where I moved to?"

His grin turned sheepish instantly, rocking back and forth on his feet with a hand behind his back. "Well, uh... you had to update your profile for the precinct, and.... I wasn't sure if Hank was gonna tell me. So... I looked it up. And now I realize it was a creep move and I'm sorry, holy shit I'm creepy."

"It's not creepy, I just..." You grinned. "Why didn't you ask me yourself?"

Reed blinked wildly. "... that was an option?" When you laughed, he felt the all-too-familiar burn in his face. "Goddamnit, I... I dunno, okay? Kinda expected you to not fuckin' tell me, I guess."

"I did tell you I missed seeing you. That wasn't enough?"

Well now the blush ran down his neck, and he grumbled. "Cut me some slack, I'm not used to a woman wanting me around..."

Shaking your head, you opened the door wider before reaching and taking his sleeve, gently pulling him inside. "Well, get used to it. Not only do I want you around, but I enjoy it and would also enjoy more of it." The door shut behind him, but his eyes were locked onto your Roomba, who still had wires attached to the back of his head. "... I'm gonna go ahead and guess that you didn't know I was living with Connor."

"I had no fuckin' clue," Gavin muttered. The android lifted a hand, giving a hint of a smile before going back to his screen. "U-um... anyway... I, uh... I stopped by for.... y'know... a reason."

The nervousness hung around the detective like fog, thick and obscuring your view of the man inside it. "Is there something behind your back...?" you asked softly.

"--what? Oh, fuck, yeah, I... I got... these.... f-for... for you," he finally spat, hurriedly bringing his hand out to reveal the thick bouquet of roses and sunflowers. "I just... I dunno, I was on my way here... th-there's a florist a few blocks away.... S-saw these, and.... m-made me... mademethinkofyou," Reed mumbled quickly.

Oh my god he's so nervous...

Your hands lifted and took his burning face, mentally setting the gorgeous blossoms aside for the moment. "Gavin... holy shit. These are stunning, I... I mean, I don't know what to say except thank you. This is... incredibly sweet. And I mean it, thank you," you repeated. Stepping closer, you pulled one hand away to press a kiss to his scruffy cheek.

"A-ah, Jesus..." Reed's mouth worked, knowing his face couldn't be any more red, but now you'd fucking kissed him! On the cheek, sure, but that was better than he'd hoped. "... look, I'm not really a.... romance kinda guy. Like, at all. But... at the risk of sounding like a fucking loser... I'll give it a shot."

Taking the flowers from his grasp, you went about tending to them, trimming the stems and setting them in a sturdy glass vessel, adding the little packet of plant food as well. You were admiring the combination of red and yellow, but turned to stare at Gavin as he spoke. "...... Gavin, if you ever call yourself a loser again, I'll feed you your badge. That's not you being a loser, that's you wanting to make an effort."

The male tried to smile, but it was twitchy and strained. "I... okay, fine, if... if you say--" He stopped mid-sentence as you approached quickly, arms wrapping around his waist, your head on his chest. An actual fucking hug. Hell, his arms were still raised a little, terrified of returning the embrace. ".... uh... c-can I hug you back...?"

"On one condition," you replied softly, your tone quite a bit slow and dreamy. "Call me cara mia. Please. I just... I wanna hear your Italian."

Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Holy shit. Heart running a thousand miles a second, Reed swallowed hard before finally wrapping his arms around you. "Qualsiasi cosa per te, mia cara," he replied, hoping that only you had heard him.

Still on the couch, the quiet words were heard and translated... making Connor narrow his eyes, his stare burning a hole in the back of the human male's head.

(This is where I'd ask if you guys want lemonade with this sweeter version of Reed. But since this is a CONNOR x Reader, things won't go too far with Gavin.

You'll have to wait for the next book~)

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