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Much to Gavin's relief, you had, in fact, been asleep in the RK800's arms. You'd dozed off halfway down the hall and only woke up when you were being laid down in your bed. Connor smiled as he reached and mindfully removed the streaks of makeup from your face, with a remover cloth you typically used. "Close your eyes, please," he murmured, waiting for you to do so before taking the rest of the makeup off. "There we are. I know you are exhausted, Detective, but sleeping with--"

The android fell silent, seeing that you'd passed out already. You could wash properly in the morning, he just felt responsible for you while you slept. It was a small gesture, but... those were the ones he liked the most. The small, thoughtful gestures that lingered in the mind long after.

Shifting a little in your sleep, your expression was completely free of stress and aggravation. You had a magnificent scowl, he had to admit... but it was also terrifying. So seeing you at peace made his pump regulator work a little harder, the effort actually painful in his chest. But your Roomba cupped your cheek, taking care not to wake you, but also taking care to memorize how soft your skin felt against his own.

[Gavin brought it out of me. I knew, and I'm certain she does, as well, but now it feels awfully... factual.]

Leaning down from where he sat, the RK800 pressed a kiss to your forehead. "I love you. Good night, Detective," came his whisper.


Everything felt so wrong. Falling asleep in your clothing was one thing, but jeans were another beast. Not to mention your damn motorcycle boots and leather jacket were still on, as well.

I know Connor said he'd get me to bed, but.... well, I shouldn't have expected him to actually take stuff off of me. Not the android whose middle name is Consent.

There were muted noises coming from the living room beyond your closed bedroom door, so he was already awake or just hadn't slept. With some effort you sat up, removing the jacket, vest and boots and putting them away properly. Meandering out of your room, you had to squint against the harsh sunlight from the windows. The RK800 was at the kitchen counter, dutifully cutting up some sort of sustenance for you, shirtsleeves rolled up. "... good morning, Connor," you mumbled, hoping it was loud enough.

Turning, the android smiled in his usual crooked manner. "Good morning, Detective, did you sleep well?" He did a quick scan of your vitals. "You seem a bit worn out, still, but breakfast should give you your energy back." He turned back to the wooden cutting board, slicing up the bell pepper as he talked. "I hope you don't mind an omelet; a bit tedious, maybe, but I find them fun to ma--..... Detective....?"

You'd silently approached him from behind, wrapping your arms around his torso, hands on his chest. He'd left a couple buttons undone for the sake of feeling like he really didn't have to work that day, but now you had your hands on your trainee's bare skin. The cool-tone red filled his cheeks in an instant.

Head resting on his back, you soaked in the android's strange warmth. "... thank you," came your voice. "I don't know what would have happened in that bar if I went solo. And..." One hand gripped the white dress shirt fabric beneath it. "... I'm so relieved you're all right."

Setting the knife down, the android made no other motion to move. "A minor injury, but... seeing someone under your wing being shot would be traumatizing." Connor laid a hand over one of yours. "I am relieved that you're all right, as well. And... I shouldn't have let you walk away. Not when this was my first case undercover. I should have found you sooner."

There was a burst of warmth on his back as you sighed, face partially pressed against his shirt. "Hindsight is always 20/20. Everyone is all right, we can learn from those mistakes and be prepared for the next case." You paused. "... where's Cloud? I know I said the sofa was small..."

"One moment." Hand near his yellow LED, your Roomba went quiet. "...... he went with Gavin. He... didn't elaborate, but it seemed he was concerned, and so he followed Reed home." Mouth pressed into a thin line, he added, "You were asleep, but... Gavin really didn't look well at all. Not just exhausted, but... I feel he may need a little space."

Well... if he needed space, there wasn't much you could do. "Please tell Cloud to contact me if he or Gavin need anything. Kind of... odd to stay with the guy I was on a date with, but I trust him." Connor did as you requested, then patted your hand; you had not released the android. "...... Connor, I think we need to talk."

It didn't need to be said: he hated that phrase. Nothing good ever followed it. Despite the red flash at his temple, the RK800 smiled a touch, hoping that it wouldn't be so bad. "Is something wrong, Detective?"

"It's nothing like that." Your hands pulled away from his chest, taking your Roomba's broad shoulders- were they always like that?- and turning him to face you. "This isn't about me, it's about you. You and... what you were texting me on the way back last night."

A single second passed before his face was burning. "I... I do not know why it happened. That's the first time I've ever--"

You'd covered his mouth, the corners of your own curling up. "Honey. It's fine. I just wanted to tell you that it's nothing unusual. You've got a praise kink, that's all." Dark eyes squeezed shut in his embarrassment. "Honestly, for you, it's not surprising. You were built to take orders, especially as a detective. So earning praise is a reward to you... but in this case the praise came from the detective you wanted to bend over your desk awhile back. So not only did my praise make you feel accomplished and useful, it... turned you on."

Even after you removed your hand from his mouth, the android stayed quiet. You were entirely correct: he did enjoy being told he'd done well. Feeling useful to his peers or superiors meant a good deal to him. And now that he was being trained by a woman he was falling for, if he hadn't already, your praise and reassurance just added another layer.

Since he hadn't spoken, you reached and pinched his cheek, causing him to snap back to the present, smiling despite the blush. "I'm gonna shower, I need one bad. I did remember you using my makeup removing cloth last night, so thank you."

"You are always welcome, Detective," Connor replied. When you turned away to venture to the bathroom, he had a second of pure panic. "--Detective, wait!!" Startled, you turned again. "I'm sorry. I... I don't know what came over me, but... I have a... request."

Eyebrow lifting, you shifted your weight to one hip. "What's the request, Connor?"

The part of him that might normally have been nervous was tucked away in some buried, forgotten program. Instead, the RK800 strolled towards you, hands behind his back for now. Once he was inches from you, looking down, he spoke. "Thank you for putting into words what I was experiencing last night. But... it's occurred to me that we've explored one kink already. Haven't we?" A hand lifted, his index finger tracing the outline of your jaw and trailing down your neck. "Your little... penchant for being choked. And while this praise kink is a new idea... it's only fair to explore it. Wouldn't you say?" Now that your face was burning, Connor inched closer still. "Now, of course, I won't do much without your consent, Detective. But you certainly seemed to enjoy my hand around your throat. And..." His words were whispered into your ear, the gentle graze of his lips against your skin sending chills down through your legs. "... in exchange, I would like to discover precisely what your praise and sweet encouraging words might do to me. We explored yours... it's only fair to explore mine. Yes?"

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