Chapter 1 : Audition? What?!

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I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes, feeling the tears still lingering on my cheeks. Another strange dream... Why do I keep dreaming about those kids? And why do I wake up in tears every time? It's frustrating not being able to remember their faces or understand the significance of those dreams. I just wish I could make sense of it all.

I glanced over at the clock on my bedside table and saw that it was only 4 in the morning. Great, just another night of restless sleep interrupted by these bizarre dreams. I rubbed my temples, feeling a dull ache starting to throb as the dream slowly faded from my mind.

As I sat up and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, I couldn't help but think about how my dreams lately seemed to be consuming my thoughts during the day. It's like they're haunting me, refusing to let go. It's unsettling, to say the least.

I sighed and got up, willing myself to shake off the lingering emotions from the dream. I had enough on my plate already as a college student. Between endless assignments, exams, and my own personal struggles, I didn't have time for these mysterious dreams.

I walked over to my desk and turned on the desk lamp, the soft yellow As the light flooded the room, my phone buzzed on the desk, indicating a new message. I picked it up and saw that it was from my friend Josh. Curious, I unlocked my phone and read the message.

"Hey nek, guess what? I signed us up for the school dance contest! I know you didn't ask for it, but trust me, this will be good for you. It's time to break out of that comfort zone of yours. Let's show everyone what we're made of! - Josh"

I sighed, a mixture of annoyance and gratitude coursing through me. Josh always had a way of pushing me to try new things, even when I didn't feel ready for it. He knew about my philophobia, the fear of falling in love, and the way it had held me back from relationships and socializing.

But dancing? That was different. It wasn't just about love; it was about putting myself out there in front of others, letting my guard down, and being vulnerable.

Yet, a small part of me knew he was right. I couldn't keep hiding forever. Maybe this dance contest was the push I needed to break free from the chains of my fears. And who knows, maybe it would be a chance to finally confront the emotions that lingered within me. I could use it as a platform to express myself, to let go of the pain that seemed to arise from those mysterious dreams.

With a newfound determination, I replied to Josh's message.

"Alright, Dre. I'll do it. Let's give this dance contest a shot. It's about time I faced my fears head-on. But can we keep it between us for now? I'm not quite ready to share this with everyone."

A few seconds later, Josh responded, his enthusiasm evident in his words.

"Deal, Nek! I'm proud of you for taking this step. We'll practice together and make sure we give our best shot. The dance floor won't know what hit it!"

A flicker of excitement mixed with apprehension passed through me as I stared at the screen. This was going to be a challenge - physically, emotionally, and mentally. But maybe, just maybe, it would help me unravel the mysteries of those dreams and provide the closure I desperately needed.

As the early morning light began to break through the windows, I made a silent promise to myself. I would face my fears, embrace the unknown, and uncover the truth behind those tearful dreams. It was time to step out of the comfort of the dream realm and into the reality that awaited me.

I rubbed my eyes groggily as I glanced over at the clock on my bedside table. Past 4am. I sighed, knowing that it would be impossible to fall back asleep after the weird dream I had just experienced.

Fragile Hearts: Unveiling the Fear of Love (Kentell)Where stories live. Discover now