Chapter 17 : Josh's plan

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Ken.Josh. (Third point of view)

Ken groaned as he dragged himself out of bed, his head pounding and his body aching. The sound of sizzling spam and hotdogs filled the air, and the aroma filled his nostrils, awakening his senses. Confusion washed over him as his foggy mind tried to remember the events of the previous night. He was certain Josh had left to go home after helping him with his fever, so who could be cooking in the kitchen?

Ignoring his disheveled appearance, he stumbled his way towards the bathroom. Glancing in the mirror, Ken was alarmed at the sight that stared back at him. Dark circles under his bloodshot eyes, his hair sticking out in all directions, and his pale complexion only emphasized the exhaustion he felt.

As he splashed cold water on his face, he could feel the remnants of his fever clinging to his body, unwilling to let go completely. Determined not to let it ruin his day, Ken made a mental note to call the doctor if he didn't start feeling better soon.

Brushing his teeth hastily, he debated whether he should skip class or try to push through the fatigue. With midterms just around the corner, Ken knew he couldn't afford to miss any lectures. He decided to make himself some strong coffee and hope that it would provide him with enough energy to last the day. 

Ken's mind raced with questions as he made his way down the stairs. His heart sank when he saw Stell's back at the kitchen counter, cooking with ease as if he belonged there. Ken's confusion turned to a tinge of worry, wondering how his friend had managed to know the password to his condo. And more importantly, why was Stell here?

Lost in his thoughts, Ken didn't even notice when Stell approached him, gently placing a hand on his forehead to check if his fever had subsided. Ken snapped out of his daze, realizing that Stell was speaking to him. "Thank God you're okay now," Stell said, concern etched in his voice. "You should eat something. I made fried rice with egg, spam, and hotdogs. And I've also prepared some chocolate milk for you."

Ken's mind was a whirlwind of confusion and gratitude. He still couldn't fathom how Stell knew about his fever and had taken the liberty to come over and care for him. Gathering his composure, Ken finally found his voice, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"Why are you here, Stell? And how did you get in?" Ken managed to inquire, attempting to mask his surprise.

Stell turned around, a soft smile gracing his lips as he met Ken's eyes. "Last night, Josh called me," Stell explained, his voice filled with sincerity. "He mentioned that you were feeling unwell and asked if I could check on you this morning. He also mentioned that he couldn't cook breakfast for you, so I decided to come over and lend a hand."

Relieved that Josh hadn't divulged any personal information, Ken breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Bal. I appreciate your help."

Stell shrugged, brushing off the gratitude. "Don't mention it, Bal. Friends look out for each other, right?"

Ken couldn't help but smile at Stell's words, a flutter of warmth filling his chest. As they sat down to eat, Ken's mind couldn't help but wander to the possibility that Josh might have mentioned his confession about liking Stell. Despite his curiosity consuming his thoughts, Ken knew this wasn't the right time to bring it up. For now, he would enjoy Stell's presence and the kindness he was extending.

As they took their first bites, a sense of comfort washed over Ken. The warm food and Stell's company began to alleviate the exhaustion that had consumed him earlier. He was grateful for Stell's unexpected but much-needed presence.

Conversation flowed easily between them, their laughter filling the air. Ken found himself forgetting about his worries and enjoying the simple pleasure of having someone care for him. Stell's genuine concern and willingness to be there for him made Ken feel a sense of belonging and reassurance.

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