Chapter 10 : Joshtin/Pabstell Moments (Bonus)

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Josh,Justin,Pablo,Stell. (Third point of view)

As the intense battle in Mobile Legends continued, Josh's fingers flew across the screen, his eyes glued to the action. He shouted commands to his teammates, his voice filled with determination. His competitive spirit was evident, as he relentlessly pursued victory in each round.

Justin sat next to him, equally engrossed in the game, but his attention was divided. Every so often, he caught himself stealing glances at Josh, unable to look away from his friend's intense focus and animated expressions. Justin couldn't help but smile, his heart fluttering at the sight of Josh's passion.

Lost in his thoughts, Justin didn't realize that Josh had called his name until the words finally registered. "Justin! What are you doing? We need you here!" Josh exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice.

Embarrassed, Justin quickly shook himself out of his reverie. "Sorry, sorry!" he stammered, his cheeks flushing pink. "I got distracted. I'll pay attention, I promise."

Stell, overhearing the exchange, chuckled teasingly. "Oh, so that's what's happening! Justin, you can't let Josh's gameplay distract you. Focus!"

Justin sighed, his heart pounding in his chest. He wasn't sure if he could handle the teasing from Stell without revealing his true feelings. To distract himself, he glanced down at his character's lifeless body on the screen. "Looks like I died again," he muttered.

Pablo, who had been silently engrossed in the game, finally spoke up. "Here, take one of my hotdogs," he offered, holding out his plate towards Justin. "Stell's mom made these for us. They're really good."

On any other occasion, Justin would have eagerly accepted the offer, but he couldn't help but feel guilty now. "Thanks, Pablo," he replied hesitantly, his mind racing. He knew he should be honest with his friends, but the thought of revealing his feelings for Josh made his heart race with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. So, instead, he decided to go along with the charade and grabbed a hotdog from Pablo's plate.

As he took a bite, Justin couldn't help but smile at the warmth and comfort the savory treat provided. It was a small moment of respite amidst the chaos of the game. His mind drifted, and he found himself stealing glances at Josh once again. But this time, he also noticed how Pablo and Stell were completely absorbed in the game as well, their shouts of excitement and frustration mingling with Josh's. It was in this moment that Justin realized how lucky he was to have such amazing friends by his side.

With a renewed sense of determination, Justin wiped the hotdog grease from his fingers and refocused his attention on the game. He coordinated with his team, executing strategies and making swift moves to take down the opposing team. Although he still couldn't help stealing glances at Josh from time to time, he found a new sense of confidence.

As the battle reached its climax, a surge of adrenaline coursed through Justin's veins. The room was filled with cheers and laughter as they clinched one victory after another. And amidst the chaos, Justin's eyes met Josh's, and a radiant smile spread across both their faces.


As the intense battles in Mobile Legends raged on, Pablo remained steadfast in his love for hotdogs. He couldn't resist the delicious scent wafting through the room, as Stell's mom's cooking lingered in the air. With each passing minute, his plate of hotdogs gradually diminished, as he took bite after bite, his focus seemingly split between the game and his insatiable appetite.

Stell, who had died in the game and was waiting for his respawn time, glanced over at Pablo with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. He shook his head and chuckled at his friend's comical devotion to the hotdogs. It seemed like nothing could tear Pablo away from his beloved snack; he was willing to do anything to keep eating.

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