Chapter 15 : Philophobia & his jealousy

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Ken,Josh. (Third point of view)

Josh arrived at the studio for their dance rehearsal, eager to get started. However, as he entered, he immediately sensed a cold and tense atmosphere. The studio looked the same, with dancers scattered about, practicing their routines, but something was off.

Spotting Justin talking to some of the managers about the costumes, Josh realized that the tension may be related to the upcoming performance. It was just days away, and everyone was feeling the pressure to deliver their best.

As Josh continued scanning the room, he noticed Ken sitting alone in a corner, his usual warm smile replaced by a serious and distant expression. Concerned for his friend, Josh made his way over to Ken's side and attempted to start a conversation.

"Hey, Ken. Everything okay?" Josh asked, trying to break through the barrier of Ken's cold demeanor.

Ken barely acknowledged Josh's presence, his gaze fixed on something across the room. Following Ken's line of sight, Josh's eyes landed on Stell and Pablo who were engaged in light-hearted banter.

Suddenly, a realization hit Josh like a lightning bolt. He remembered the questions Ken had been asking earlier about love . It all made sense now. Ken was clearly jealous, and the sight of Stell and Pablo joking around seemed to confirm his suspicions.

Unable to contain his excitement and curiosity, Josh couldn't help but blurt out, "No way!" at the revelation. The sudden outburst caught the attention of everyone in the studio, causing them to turn towards Josh, curious about what he had just discovered.

Feeling the weight of all eyes on him, Josh quickly improvised, pretending he had just remembered an urgent matter that required his attention. "Sorry guys, I just remembered I have to take care of something. My bad!" he quickly exclaimed, hoping to deflect the attention away from him and his obvious curiosity.

Pablo, who had been about to make an announcement about the upcoming performance, decided to roll with Josh's distraction and smoothly transitioned into discussing the importance of the upcoming show. He reminded everyone that they only had four days left before their performance, which would be attended by various universities and important guests.

As Pablo delivered his speech, Josh's mind raced with thoughts about Ken's jealousy. He knew Ken had a fear of love and commitment, and the possibility of him having feelings for Stell meant trouble. Josh had also noticed how Pablo seemed to favor Stell during rehearsals, which made the situation even more complicated.

Concerned for his friend, Josh wondered how Ken would handle these newfound emotions and feared that it could potentially hurt him. He knew that Ken's philophobia was a sensitive issue, and he couldn't bear to see his friend suffer.

With a mix of worry and curiosity, Josh silently observed Ken, wondering what would happen next. He wanted to be there for his friend, to offer support and guidance through this difficult situation. As the rehearsals continued, Josh vowed to keep a close eye on Ken and help him navigate his feelings in a way that wouldn't jeopardize their friendship or the dynamic of their dance group.


During the dance rehearsal, Ken couldn't help but feel a heavy cloud of bad moods hanging over him. His mind was filled with a mixture of confusion and frustration. Something just felt off, and he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

It reminded him of the road trip they had taken to Stell's parents' house. Ken vividly remembered how Stell and Pablo had sat together in the front, their laughter filling the air. That day, Ken's mood had soured, and he couldn't comprehend why. It bothered him to see them together, and he hated the effect it had on him.

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