Chapter 22: Manila Zoo pt. 2

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Justin,Josh. (Third point of view)

Justin and Josh could barely contain their excitement as they finally arrived at Manila Zoo. It had been a long journey, but the anticipation of seeing all the magnificent creatures in person made it all worthwhile. They couldn't wait to explore all the exhibits and get up close with the animals.

As they stood near the entrance, Josh turned to Justin and asked, "Where should we start, Justin?"

Justin glanced down at the stack of colorful flyers in his hand and quickly scanned through them. He always liked to plan and be organized, even for a trip to the zoo. After a moment, a mischievous grin spread across his face, and he said, "Let's go to the aquariums first, Josh!"

Josh nodded eagerly, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. The two friends made their way past the gates and eagerly followed the signs pointing towards the aquarium section. Along the way, they couldn't help but marvel at the natural beauty of the zoo. Lush greenery surrounded them, and the sounds of chirping birds and distant roars filled the air.

As they entered the aquarium area, Justin and Josh were amazed by the vast array of marine life on display. The first tank they encountered was filled with vibrant tropical fish that danced in the water, creating a vibrant underwater spectacle. Justin and Josh stared in awe, captivated by the vivid colors and graceful movements of the fish.

They moved on to the next tank, where a massive sea turtle lazily swam by. Its majestic presence left them in awe, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the diverse and breathtaking creatures that inhabited the ocean.

Their adventure continued as they explored the different sections of the aquarium, encountering seahorses, jellyfish, and even a tank filled with mesmerizing coral reefs. Each exhibit was more fascinating than the last, and Justin and Josh couldn't help but snap pictures and share their enthusiasm with each other.

As they made their way through the aquariums, they also encountered knowledgeable staff members who shared interesting facts about the marine life. They learned about the importance of conservation and the efforts made to protect these incredible creatures.

Their enthusiasm grew with each passing exhibit, and by the time they reached the final aquarium, they were filled with a sense of gratitude. They felt incredibly privileged to have witnessed such incredible marine life up close and personal.

As they walked, Justin and Josh engaged in playful banter, enjoying the sights of the fish swimming above them. Justin couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity and decided to bring up something that had been nagging at him for a while.

"Just curious, Josh," Justin began, "but when are you gonna tell me about your girlfriend?"

Josh's eyes widened in surprise, and he turned to look at Justin, confusion etched across his face. He couldn't understand why Justin would bring up such a topic out of the blue. Trying to regain his composure, Josh asked, "Where did you hear that, Justin?"

Justin looked at Josh sadly, his eyes still locked on the vibrant fish swimming gracefully in the tank. "I overheard some of your classmates talking about it in your hallway when I visited the architecture building," he confessed.

A burst of laughter erupted from Josh as he realized the misunderstanding. "Hahaha! Seriously? You believed that? I have an invisible girlfriend, huh?" Josh chuckled, finding Justin's assumption incredibly amusing.

Justin's confusion shifted to embarrassment as he took in what Josh was saying. He had let rumors and hearsay cloud his judgment, failing to see the reality of the situation. Josh had always been there, by his side, and it didn't make sense for him to have a girlfriend when they spent so much time together.

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