Chapter 7 : The Plan

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Stell. (Third point of view)

Stell stepped into his quiet and dimly lit condo, feeling a mixture of relief and exhaustion after spending the night at Ken's place. As he closed the door behind him, his heart melted at the sight of his beloved cat, Naya, eagerly waiting for him near the entrance. He crouched down, gently scooping her into his arms.

"Oh Naya, I missed you so much, my little queen," Stell whispered, nuzzling his face against her soft fur. "I'm sorry I couldn't come home last night, but I promise I'll make it up to you."

Naya purred softly in response, content in her human's loving embrace. Stell carried her over to her favorite spot by the window, where he had set up a small feeding station and placed a bowl of fresh cat food. He topped it off with a special treat, hoping to make up for his absence.

As he watched Naya happily munch on her food, a familiar melody floated through his mind. It was the song "Location" by Khalid, a tune that always struck a chord with Stell. It reminded him of the road trip he had taken with Ken to Enchanted Kingdom, where they had sung the song at the top of their lungs, windows rolled down and wind whipping through their hair.

Lost in his thoughts, Stell realized he urgently needed to refresh himself after a long night away. He hurriedly made his way to the bathroom, turning on the water to the perfect temperature. As the soothing sound of Khalid's voice filled the room, he undressed and stepped under the invigorating spray.

The warm water washed away the exhaustion and tension from his weary body, and memories of the road trip flooded his mind. He couldn't help but smile as he recalled all the laughter, the adventures, and the deep conversations he and Ken had shared during that journey.

After a revitalizing thirty-minute shower, Stell emerged from the bathroom feeling rejuvenated. He slid into a comfortable pair of clothes, a loose t-shirt, and sweatpants, and allowed himself to sink into the plushness of his couch.

Just as he settled in, his phone buzzed from the coffee table, signaling a new message. It was his younger sister, Rose Jean/Rj , inquiring about his whereabouts.

"Hey Tey, when are you coming home?" Rj's message read. "Mama wants to know if your friend, Pablo, is also coming over. You guys always seem to have a blast together, and she misses him!"

Stell pondered for a moment, contemplating whether it was time for Ken to meet his family, to introduce him as his new friend. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips, envisioning Ken fitting right into their warm and chaotic household.

He quickly typed a reply, assuring his sister that he would be back by Friday and informing her of his uncertainty about Pablo's plans. Stell promised to ask Pablo, after all, his mother's invitation had piqued his curiosity.

With his sister's message taken care of, Stell pulled out his phone and dialed Pablo's number. It rang a few times before his friend answered, his voice full of energy and enthusiasm.

"Hey, Stell!" Pablo greeted him, his vibrant spirit evident even through the phone. "What's up?"

Stell paused for a moment, mentally preparing himself to invite Pablo to meet his family. He took a deep breath before speaking, "Hey, Pablo! So, my mom was wondering if you'd like to come over this Friday. She misses you  and I thought it'd be a great opportunity for you to join us."

Pablo's excitement was palpable even through the phone. "Are you serious, Stell? I'd love to come over! It's been ages since I saw your family. Count me in!"

Stell grinned, grateful for Pablo's enthusiasm and for having a friend who fit seamlessly into his life. "That's awesome, Pablo! I can't wait for you to meet everyone. It's going to be a fun night."

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