Chapter 29 : Valentine's Day pt. 2

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Josh,Ken,Stell. (Third point of view )

Josh and Ken took sips from their tall, ice-cold drinks as they sat comfortably in the booths they had secured earlier. The quaint café buzzed with conversation, the aroma of fresh coffee wafting through the air. They had arrived early, hoping to secure a perfect spot for their friends' arrival.

Their table was scattered with textbooks, flashcards, and study materials, a clear indication of the impending exam. Josh, the reserved and meticulous one, had already memorized every lecture slide, while Ken, the laid-back and carefree one, was relying on his natural instinct and a touch of luck.

As they waited for Justin, Pablo, and Stell to return from their meeting with the professor, anxiety started creeping into their conversations. The professor had called the trio specifically, indicating an important discussion about the upcoming examination. 

Josh and Ken spoke tentatively, their voices filled with uncertainty. Ken was about to share his plans with Josh, but a flicker of doubt danced in his eyes. As he finally revealed his intention, Josh stared at him incredulously, wondering if his friend was serious.

"You want me to help ensure that Stell watches the singing contest at 5 pm?" Josh asked, his tone laced with disbelief. He had other plans for the day, but he couldn't help but feel responsible for the misunderstanding that had caused this situation in the first place. Reluctantly, he agreed to help Ken, realizing that it was the right thing to do.

Ken's face lit up with gratitude as he thanked Josh, the weight of the situation visibly lifting off his shoulders. He glanced at his watch, realizing that he still had some preparations to make. With a hasty goodbye, Ken hurried off, leaving Josh to execute their plan.

Meanwhile, Stell, Justin, and Pablo returned from their meeting with the professors, only to find Ken missing. Justin raised an eyebrow, inquiring about Ken's whereabouts, but received a nonchalant shrug from the others. Something felt off, but they decided to let it go for the time being.

Just as they were about to question further, Josh interjected, his voice unusually enthusiastic. He reminded them about the singing contest, suggesting they should all go together. The puzzled trio exchanged confused glances, remembering that Josh was the one who initially opposed the idea of watching the event. They wondered why he suddenly changed his mind.

Curiosity getting the better of them, Stell, Justin, and Pablo agreed to go along with Josh's plan. They proposed grabbing a bite to eat first, thinking it would be a good idea to fuel themselves before the grand hall. Josh nodded, hiding his true intentions behind a forced smile. As they sat down at a nearby restaurant, the trio couldn't help but observe Josh with a mixture of perplexity and suspicion.

"Why the sudden change, Josh?" Stell asked, unable to contain his curiosity any longer.

Josh shifted uncomfortably in his seat, attempting to come up with an explanation. He realized that revealing the truth might not be the best option at the moment, not until they were all gathered at the contest. So, mustering his best poker face, he simply said, "You'll find out soon enough."

Their confusion grew, but amidst the unanswered questions, they decided to trust Josh for the time being, hoping that his mysterious enthusiasm would be worth it in the end. As they enjoyed their meal, they couldn't help but wonder what unexpected surprises awaited them at the singing contest and why Josh seemed so determined to make sure they attended.


The atmosphere in the grandhall was buzzing with excitement. The walls were adorned with colorful decorations, and bright lights illuminated the stage at the front. The students eagerly chatted amongst themselves, eagerly anticipating the start of the event. 

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