Chapter 6 : Kentell Friendship?!

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Josh,Pablo,Justin. (Third point of view)

Josh and Justin sat side by side in their gaming chairs, their eyes glued to the screen as they played Call of Duty: Warzone. Their open mic allowed them to talk freely, sharing their experiences and thoughts as they battled their opponents.

"Dude, remember when i told you when  Ken ignored me for, like, a whole week back in high school?" Josh asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Justin chuckled, his fingers rapidly tapping on the controller. "Yeah, man. You were practically stalking him, trying to be friends. But he was just not interested."

Josh grinned, reminiscing about their high school days. "I was relentless, I gotta admit. But eventually, he gave in, and now we're best buddies."

"Yeah, that's how real friendships are formed, right?" Justin replied, taking down an enemy with a swift headshot.

Their conversation shifted to Justin's experience in college. "You know, when I first met Stell, it was instant friendship. We became classmates in our first year, and he introduced me to Pablo. That's how we ended up joining his dance team," Justin explained.

Josh's eyes lit up with excitement. "Ah, the dance team! That's where we became friends, too. It's only been a few weeks, but it feels like we've known each other forever."

Justin nodded, his focus shifting back to the game. "Yeah, man. We just clicked instantly. I guess there's something about dancing that brings people together."

As they continued playing, their conversation deepened, discussing their shared love for dancing. Josh talked about how dance allowed him to express himself in ways he couldn't with words, how it served as an outlet for his emotions. Justin shared his similar sentiment, mentioning how dance helped him break out of his shell and gain confidence.

The game became intense as their opponents proved to be a formidable challenge. It was now a 2v2 situation, and they could feel the pressure building. Their conversation faded into determined silence as they strategized and coordinated their moves.

After what felt like an eternity of intense gameplay, they emerged victorious. Josh and Justin couldn't contain their excitement, jumping up from their chairs and giving each other a triumphant high-five.

"Dude, we did it!" Josh exclaimed, his voice filled with adrenaline.

Justin laughed, a wide grin on his face. "Hell yeah, man! That was intense!"

Their victory in the game had brought them even closer, solidifying their bond as friends and gaming partners. They settled back into their chairs, catching their breath and relishing in their triumph.

"Man, I love gaming," Josh said, still catching his breath. "But I gotta say, teaming up with you in the dance team and now in this game, it's a whole different kind of rush."

Justin nodded, a contented smile on his face. "I couldn't agree more. Dancing and gaming, they both bring out the best in us and allow us to connect on a deeper level."



Pablo stood in the kitchen, stirring the pot of steaming soup on the stove. The savory aroma wafted through the air, filling the room with an inviting fragrance. His friends, Josh and Justin, were perched upstairs, engrossed in a marathon gaming session on Pablo's computer and his sister's computer.

Pablo loved gaming too, but unlike his friends, he could only handle a few hours before needing a break. As he continued cooking, he glanced at the clock on the wall and realized that Josh and Justin had been playing for hours without a single break.

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