Chapter 11: Kentell Moment (Bonus)

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Ken,Stell . (Third point of view)

As the sunlight poured through the window, casting a warm glow in the room, Stell couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling inside. It was a lazy afternoon, just like any other, with Stell and Ken taking refuge in the comfort of Stell's room. They had spent countless hours together, talking about everything and anything, but today felt different. 

With Justin, Josh, and Pablo off on their own adventure, Stell and Ken found themselves alone, their conversation flowing effortlessly. As they giggled over silly jokes and shared childhood memories, they stumbled upon the topic of relationships.

"For me," Stell began, tucking a loose strand of hair behind their ear, "if we come to a mutual understanding that we both like each other, that's all it takes. It's about building that connection and being on the same wavelength."

Ken nodded thoughtfully, admiring Stell's open-heartedness. "I agree, relationships should be based on understanding and a shared bond," Ken replied, their voice reflecting genuine sincerity.

Stell glanced curiously at Ken, their eyes betraying a hint of mischief. "So, care to share what kind of person you would be interested in dating?"

Ken paused for a moment, his normally confident demeanor faltering ever so slightly. Stell's question had struck a chord within him, dredging up the deep-seated fears that had long haunted his heart. He took a deep breath, gathering his courage to answer honestly.

"Well," Ken began, a touch of vulnerability creeping into his voice, "for me, physical appearance doesn't matter as much. I'm more attracted to someone's talents, skills, and confidence. I would like someone I could have fun with and, maybe even dance with."

Stell couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, noting the specificity of Ken's response. They playfully nudged him, a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of their lips. "Ah, I see. So, someone like me, huh? Talented, skillful, and confident?"

Ken's eyes widened momentarily, caught off guard by Stell's astute observation. He fumbled for words, setting off a wave of nerves within him. "W-well...yeah, someone like you would definitely catch my interest," he stammered, attempting to mask the sincerity behind his voice with a playful tone.

Stell's heart skipped a beat, their cheeks flushing with a warm hue. But their joy was short-lived, as a glimmer of sadness flickered across their eyes before they quickly returned to their teasing self. Stell decided to play along, pushing aside any lingering doubts or insecurities that tried to surface.

"You think so, huh? Well, I'll have to see if you can keep up with me on the dance floor!" Stell challenged, a playful glint dancing in their eyes.

Ken couldn't help but smile, relieved that his answer hadn't dampened their spirits. He let out a laugh, his nerves dissipating as he decided to fully embrace the banter. "Oh, trust me, Stell. I may surprise you. You won't know what hit you!"

And just like that, the room was filled with laughter once again, the playful banter between Stell and Ken becoming a symphony of friendship and, perhaps, something more. Little did Stell know, behind Ken's confident facade, lay a secret- a fear of love that had kept him at bay for so long.

But as Stell continued to tease and playfully challenge Ken, he couldn't deny the growing fondness he felt for them. It was a delicate dance of emotions, one that Ken was determined to keep twirling through, even if it meant concealing the truth about his philophobia from Stell. Ken knew he had a long way to go in overcoming his fear, but for now, he wanted to cherish the moments they had together. After all, Stell had unknowingly become a source of solace and comfort in his life.

Fragile Hearts: Unveiling the Fear of Love (Kentell)Where stories live. Discover now