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Title: SOTUS: Path Of Love / Path of Love (Tentative Title)
Author: Ms.AurumLia
Genre: Fanfiction / University/Romance / Actions? / Kentell
SB19 × SOTUS Fanfiction / Crossworld
Note: All credits for names and places mentioned in this note go to the creators and originators. The names and places mentioned below belong to the SOTUS series and SB19, while the original name mentioned is mine.


Where Stell is Kong's half younger brother. Stell admired his older brother, Kongpob, ever since his mother introduced Kong as his half older brother. At first, Stell didn't understand what it meant, being too young at the time. But as they grew older and lived together, Stell was happy to have Kong as his brother.

Kong was a natural-born leader, excelling in everything he did. He was the kind of person who inspired others with his passion and determination. Stell looked up to him, wanting to be just like him. But as Kong began his college life as an Engineering student, Stell was left behind with their mother.

As the years went by, the comparisons between Kong and Stell grew stronger. People couldn't help but measure Stell's capabilities against his brother's. Even Stell himself began to question whether he could ever live up to Kong's success. It wasn't that he hated his brother, but rather the people who constantly compared them.

Stell had dreams of his own, dreams that had been put on hold. He had always wanted to be a professional dancer and singer, but now he felt pressured to follow in his brother's footsteps and become an Engineering student. It seemed like the logical choice, considering their family's business was in engineering. But Stell hated the idea. He despised the idea of spending his life behind a desk, crunching numbers and designing machines. It wasn't his passion, and it wasn't what made him happy.

The tipping point came when Stell learned about the SOTUS program, a brutal hazing tradition that new Engineering students at their university had to endure. It was infamous for its cruel practices and demeaning treatment of freshmen. Stell couldn't understand why anyone would willingly subject themselves to such torture.

But fate had a different plan for Stell. One day, while attending a university seminar, he found himself face-to-face with the head hazer of the SOTUS program, a man named Ken Suson, The Head Hazer. Ken was renowned for his strictness and intimidating presence. He was known to make or break freshmen, determining who had what it took to survive the program and excel in their Engineering studies.

In that moment, Stell couldn't help but feel a flicker of intrigue. He wondered if this encounter with Ken would be the turning point in his life. Would this be the catalyst that would set him on a path of self-discovery and empowerment? Or would it be the beginning of his own personal hell, trapped in a world that he despised?

Only time would tell. Stell had a choice to make - to embrace his own passions and pursue his dreams, or to succumb to the pressure and expectations placed upon him. Deep down, he knew that his journey wouldn't be easy. It would require immense courage and resilience to break free from the shadow of his brother's greatness.

But Stell was determined. He refused to let the comparisons and societal norms define his worth. He would forge his own path, no matter how difficult it may be. And perhaps, in the process, he would discover that the key to true happiness and success lies not in following in someone else's footsteps, but in embracing his own unique talents and aspirations.

This is the story of Stell, a young man torn between familial expectations and his own desires. It is a tale of self-discovery, love, and the courage to defy societal norms.

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