Chapter 24 : Half Strawberry pendant

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Ken. (Third point of view )

As Ken began to share stories and memories as if his grandparents were right there with them, his voice trembled with emotion. He spoke about the love, support, and guidance they had provided him throughout his life. He talked about the times his grandmother would envelop him in warm hugs, making him feel safe and loved. He reminisced about his grandfather's storytelling, his words full of wisdom and humor that would bring joy to even the toughest of days.

But as the floodgates of memories opened wider, the weight of their absence and the longing for their presence became too much for Ken to bear. The realization that he could no longer experience those moments with his beloved grandparents overwhelmed him, and tears streamed down his face.

His uncle watched Ken with understanding in his eyes, his own emotions swelling in response. He knew the pain of missing their presence all too well. Without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around his sobbing nephew, offering solace and a safe space for him to let his emotions flow.

In the gentle embrace of his uncle, Ken found comfort. The familiar warmth and security reminded him of his grandparents' love. He let himself cry, allowing the grief to wash over him, knowing that he was not alone in his sadness.

His uncle held Ken tightly as he let out his tears, understanding that sometimes, the pain of missing loved ones can feel overwhelming. He whispered soothing words to Ken, reminding him that it's okay to miss them and to feel the weight of their absence.

As Ken's sobs began to subside, he took deep breaths, trying to regain his composure. He sniffled and looked up at his uncle, his eyes red and swollen, but a sense of gratitude shining through.

"I miss them so much, Uncle," Ken said through a quivering voice. "They were always there for me, supporting me in everything I did. I wish they were here to see how far I've come."

His uncle held Ken's face gently, his eyes filled with compassion. "I know, Ken. They would have been so proud of the person you've become. But remember, they will always be with us in spirit, guiding us every step of the way."

Ken nodded, feeling a renewed sense of strength and love coursing through his veins. He realized that his grandparents' legacy lived on within him and that their love would forever be a part of his life.


After what felt like an eternity of silence, Ken's racing heart began to slow down, and his mind started to find some semblance of peace. Sitting in the serene surroundings of his grandparents' resting place, he couldn't help but feel a wave of gratitude wash over him for his uncle's offer to come back with him.

Finally breaking the silence, Ken's uncle spoke with a gentle tone, "Ken, I want you to know that my offer still stands. If you decide that you want to come back with me, just say the word, and I'll make all the necessary arrangements with your university. You can live with your aunt and me, and we can ensure that you have everything you need."

Ken looked at his uncle, his eyes filled with appreciation. The urge to accept the offer was strong, as he knew living with his uncle would provide stability and support that he had been longing for. But there was something inside him that just couldn't let go of the promise he had made to himself.

Taking a deep breath, Ken nodded in understanding. "Thank you, Uncle. I really appreciate your generosity, and I know that living with you would make things easier for me. But right now, I need to keep my promise and continue with my studies at university. I promise that I will visit you, or maybe even come live with you once the school year ends, but for now, I just can't."

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