Chapter 19 : Last Rehearsal

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Josh justin,pablo,stell. (Third point of view)

Josh and Justin sat in the dimly lit recording studio, the buzz of excitement pulsating through the air. With their Starbucks cups resting on the table beside them, they casually chatted about the upcoming rehearsal. The tension mixed with anticipation, making the room crackle with energy.

As they animatedly shared stories and discussed their vision for the performance, the door creaked open, and Pablo entered, wearing a pair of black sunglasses. His curious gaze swept across the studio, eyes darting from one corner to another, searching for signs of their bandmates' arrival. 

Approaching the two with a bemused expression on his face, Pablo, in his husky voice, asked, " where is everybody?"

Josh and Justin exchanged a puzzled look, shrugging their shoulders in unison. "We have no clue, man," Josh replied with a hint of concern in his voice. "They should've been here by now. Maybe they got caught up in traffic?"

Nodding in understanding, Pablo's eyes still hidden behind his sunglasses, he made his way toward the studio managers, determined to address the situation. The urgency of their approaching performance weighed heavy on his mind. 

As they sat there, waiting for the rest of their dance team to arrive, Justin leaned over and whispered to Josh, "Hey, are you free this coming Saturday?"

Josh turned to look at him, a mischievous smile forming on his face. "Why? Planning something exciting?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Justin couldn't help but laugh, his cheeks turning slightly pink. "Well, I was actually thinking of inviting you to Manila Zoo," he admitted bashfully. "I know you're an animal lover, and I thought it would be a fun day out."

Josh chuckled, teasingly nudging Justin with his elbow. "Wow, Justin, are you asking me out on a date?"

Blushing furiously, Justin quickly denied it, flustered. "N-No, it's not like that! I just...uh, I just want to see the animals, okay? Just a friendly hangout."

Amused by Justin's reaction, Josh couldn't resist pushing his friend's buttons a bit more. "Oh, sure, I'll be your date then," he said playfully, winking at Justin. 

Before Josh could dodge, Justin swatted his arm with a laugh, fake annoyance written on his face. "You're ridiculous , you know that?" he said, shaking his head.

Just as they continued to banter and laugh, their attention was suddenly diverted as Ken and Stell burst into the studio, drinks in hand. Ken, with his infectious energy, waved his cup in the air, while Stell playfully rolled his eyes at the commotion.

"Hey, sorry we're late," Ken exclaimed, panting slightly from the rush. "Got held up in traffic, but we've got our fuel now!" He pointed at the cups in their hands. 

Stell chimed in, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, sorry about that. Thanks for waiting, guys."

Josh and Justin exchanged knowing glances, clearly amused by their friends' tardiness. "No worries, just glad you made it," Justin replied, stifling a chuckle.


As the moments ticked by, Pablo couldn't shake off the irritation that had settled deep within his mind. His eyes locked onto Ken, who seemed oblivious to the tension in the room. Pablo's gaze intensified, a small frown forming on his face as he wondered why Ken had been so late.

Not wanting to let his frustration disrupt the atmosphere, Pablo cleared his throat and suggested, "Before we start with our final rehearsal, I think it's important that we have a quick meeting." He glanced at each member of the group, making sure everyone was paying attention. 

One by one, they all nodded, their expressions serious as they awaited Pablo's instructions. Despite his underlying annoyance, Pablo maintained his calm demeanor and proceeded to discuss their upcoming performance. He spoke passionately about the need to not only win the contest but to leave a lasting impact on the audience.

Engrossed in Pablo's words, the team listened attentively, hanging on his every instruction. Almost thirty minutes passed in the intensity of the meeting, as ideas were exchanged, strategies were analyzed, and the importance of unity and synchronization was stressed.

Finally, with the meeting concluded, they moved on to the rehearsal. The sound of energetic music flooded the studio, fueling their movements as they practiced their choreography to the PPOP song, "Gento." With only the five of them dancing, and the backup dancers joining for "Crimezone," they aimed to create a powerful and visually stunning performance.

As the rehearsals went on, their energy intensified, each member giving their all to perfect every step, every movement. They pushed their limits, determined to deliver a performance that would captivate their audience.

Sweat glistening on their foreheads, they called it a day after a grueling practice session. Exiting the studio, Justin couldn't contain his excitement over their costumes for the performance. Pulling out his phone, he showed snapshots of the outfits he had specially designed, a mix of vibrant colors and edgy styles.

Impressed, the others complimented Justin's creativity and attention to detail. With newfound excitement, they discussed the impact their costumes would have on the overall aesthetic of their performance, their voices filled with anticipation.

One by one, they began to bid their farewells, starting with Justin, who had an early morning appointment the next day. Ken and josh having needed a quick dash to the washroom, followed suit.

As they were about to leave, Stell noticed the slightly downcast expression on Pablo's face. With a sympathetic smile, he offered, "Hey, Pablo, do you need a ride? I can drop you off at your place."

Pablo's gaze shifted from the ground to Stell, and he nodded appreciatively. "Thanks, Stell. I appreciate it," he replied, a hint of gratitude in his voice.

As they settled into Stell's car, ready to embark on their journey home, Pablo couldn't help but seek clarification about their plans for Manila Zoo. "Hey, Stell, is the zoo trip still happening this Saturday?" he asked, a flicker of hope dancing in his eyes. 

Responding with an assuring smile, Stell nodded. "Of course, it's still happening! We've all been looking forward to it, remember?" Stell's words were meant to cheer up Pablo, to remind him of the exciting plans they had made.

A genuine smile appeared on Pablo's face, his mood visibly lifted. He exhaled with relief, feeling a glimmer of excitement return. With renewed enthusiasm, he engaged in conversation with Stell, discussing their favorite animals and sharing amusing anecdotes, the sound of laughter filling the car as they drove towards their condominium.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, the worries and stress of the day melting away. As Stell drove through the city streets, the luminous city lights cast a warm glow upon them, enhancing their camaraderie and giving rise to a sense of anticipation for the upcoming Saturday.

Pablo's spirits soared, grateful for Stell's presence and the prospect of spending a fun-filled day at the zoo. The excitement permeated the car, filling the air with an infectious energy that neither of them could deny.

In that moment, Pablo couldn't help but picture the adventure that awaited them, imagining the vibrant colors, captivating animal encounters, and the joy of experiencing it with his friends. He couldn't wait for Saturday to come, eager to leave the confines of the studio behind and immerse himself in the wonders of nature.

As they neared their destination, Stell parked the car outside their condominium. Pablo thanked him for the ride, feeling a renewed sense of optimism and anticipation. With a final wave goodbye, they bid each other goodnight, ready to embrace the days ahead and the memories they would create at Manila Zoo.

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