Epilogue : The End

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As the group of friends, Ken, Stell, Josh, Justin, and Pablo, gathered together, excitement filled the air on this special day. They were all finally graduating from college, ready to embark on their new journeys and begin their professional lives. It had been a month since graduation day, and they were meeting up to reminisce and celebrate their achievements.

As they eagerly awaited the start of the event, laughter and joy echoed through the room. Ken and Stell stood hand in hand, their smiles radiant, as they observed the playful banter between Justin, Josh, and Pablo. Justin and Josh had taken it upon themselves to tease Pablo for still being single, even on such a monumental day.

Pablo took their jabs in good humor, laughing along with the rest of them. He didn't let their teasing affect his cheerful demeanor. However, just as the two friends were about to continue their jests, a stranger approached Pablo, bearing a beautiful bouquet of flowers. The friends were taken aback, not understanding who would send Pablo flowers on this special occasion.

Pablo accepted the bouquet, a bewildered expression on his face. He glancingly read the card that accompanied the flowers, his smile growing wider with every word. The anticipation in the room grew as the friends eagerly awaited Pablo's response. Justin couldn't resist questioning Pablo, his voice filled with curiosity and mischievousness.

"Come on, Pablo, tell us! Who's the secret admirer?" Justin asked, a smirk forming on his face. Josh chuckled alongside him, nudging Pablo to spill the beans. Ken and Stell joined in the laughter, thoroughly enjoying the lighthearted moment.

Blushing at the attention and hoping to quiet their teasing, Pablo playfully scolded them, telling them to stop their relentless curiosity. But, despite the protest, Justin and Josh continued their teasing, insistently pestering Pablo for an answer.

Finally, Pablo couldn't keep it a secret any longer. He held back a smile and confessed, "It's from someone special who wanted to congratulate me on graduating. But that's all I'm going to say for now."

The friends erupted in laughter, their excitement overflowing. They were thrilled for Pablo, knowing that he had found someone who cherished and supported him. They showered him with congratulations, celebrating not only his academic success but also his newfound connection.

As the event began and the graduates filed in, the friends grew closer, their camaraderie strengthened even further by this happy occasion. They embraced each other, acknowledging the countless hours they had spent together, supporting and pushing one another to achieve their goals.

As the ceremony drew to a close, the friends promised to continue their bond beyond graduation. They vowed to support one another through the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that their friendship would be an invaluable source of strength and inspiration. With hearts full of hope and determination, they set out, ready to conquer the world together.

As the friends sat together, reminiscing about their past adventures, the room filled with a warm sense of nostalgia. They recalled the countless moments they had shared as a group, from wild road trips to late-night study sessions and everything in between. These memories were a testament to the enduring bond they had formed over the years.

As the stories flowed, Ken couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude. He looked at his boyfriend, Stell, who sat by his side, their fingers intertwined. It hadn't always been this way for Ken. There was a time when he felt alone, as if he were living in a colorless and bleak world.

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