Special Announcement : Must Read

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Special Announcement:

Dear friends, readers, and supporters,

I would like to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation for each and every one of you who has accompanied me on this incredible journey throughout my story of Kentell. From the very beginning, through all the ups and downs, your unwavering support has meant the world to me.

This story has been a true rollercoaster ride, filled with twists, turns, and unexpected detours. And yet, through it all, you have stood by my side, encouraging me to keep going, igniting a fire within me to continue telling this tale. Your enthusiasm and faith in my writing have fueled my motivation, every step of the way.

I understand that my story may not be considered perfect by traditional standards, but your engagement and involvement have shown me that it holds a special place in your hearts. It brings me immense joy to see you reading, commenting, and interacting with the characters and events within the story. The fact that you have taken the time to be a part of this world that I have created is a true honor.

Even if this story has not received a monumental number of reads or views, I want you to know that your presence and ongoing support are more than enough for me.

The mere act of you taking the time to read my words and show interest in my story fills me with a deep sense of fulfillment and joy. Your support has been a driving force that has kept me going, even in the face of challenges and self-doubt.

I am incredibly grateful for each and every interaction, whether it be a simple comment, a message of encouragement, or a discussion about the characters and their journeys. Your words have inspired me to push the boundaries of my imagination and explore new possibilities within the story.

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all those who have been a part of this journey, no matter how big or small your contribution. Your presence has made a significant impact on my writing and on my life as a whole.

As I move forward, I hope to continue providing you with stories that capture your hearts and ignite your imaginations. Your continued support means everything to me, and I am truly grateful for your presence in my life.

Thank you, once again, for being a part of this incredible journey with me. Let us embark on new adventures together, knowing that each step we take is made stronger with your unwavering support.

- AurumLia 🍓🐥



How does the author begin her story?

— Writing this story was quite a journey for me. At first, I planned on writing it in Tagalog since I am Filipino. However, I quickly realized that I was struggling with writing in full Tagalog. I found myself getting stuck in Chapter 1, unable to find the right words or express myself effectively in Tagalog. This made me understand why I wasn't excelling in my Filipino subjects in school—it wasn't because I was bad, but it wasn't because I was good either.

After much contemplation, I decided to switch to writing in English. Although I was hesitant at first, unsure of my abilities in English writing, I decided to take a leap of faith and just go for it. I didn't have any expectations of people actually reading my story, so when I received my first comment and kudos, my heart raced with excitement and I felt overwhelmed with joy.

Since then, I have gained more confidence in my English writing skills. While I may still have doubts and self-criticisms, I remind myself that the act of writing itself is a continuous learning process. The support and feedback from readers have been immensely encouraging, and it motivates me to continue writing and improving my craft.

Fragile Hearts: Unveiling the Fear of Love (Kentell)Where stories live. Discover now