Chapter 5 : Enchanted Kingdom pt. 2

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Ken,Stell. (Third point of view)

After satisfying their hunger with a delicious feast, Ken and Stell found themselves slowly sinking into their chairs, content and slightly overwhelmed by the sheer amount of food they had devoured.

The soft chatter and laughter of the theme park visitors created a lively ambiance around them. They watched as families walked by, children clutching colorful balloons and wide-eyed with excitement. The aroma of cotton candy and freshly popped popcorn wafted through the air, enticing the crowds.

Stell leaned back, patting his stomach and letting out a satisfied sigh. He turned to Ken, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes, and asked, "Okay, Ken, we've had our fill of food. Now, what kind of rides are you up for?"

Ken's expression instantly turned cautious, and he looked at Stell with a glimmer of anxiety in his eyes. "Uh, definitely not the extreme rides," he replied, his voice filled with a mix of determination and unease.

Stell couldn't help but suppress a laugh, stunned by Ken's seriousness. He quickly composed himself, realizing the depth of Ken's fear. Seeing his friend's genuine trepidation, Stell decided to hold back his amusement, opting instead to be understanding and supportive.

Gently, he reached out and placed a reassuring hand on Ken's shoulder. "Hey, Ken, I get it. Not everyone is a fan of the crazy adrenaline-pumping rides. But remember, we're here to have an unforgettable time together."

Ken nodded, appreciating Stell's understanding. "I just don't handle excessive heights or excessive speeds very well. The last time I was on a roller coaster, I nearly passed out."

Stell chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, we definitely don't want you passing out on your first ride of the day. How about we start with something milder, like the Ferris wheel or the carousel?"

Ken's gaze softened, grateful for Stellvester's thoughtfulness. "Those sound more my speed. Thank you for understanding, Stell. I really want to enjoy today without feeling terrified."

Stell smiled warmly, intertwining his arm with Ken's. "Of course, Ken. We'll take it at your pace, and I promise to be right by your side the whole time. But hey, maybe facing your fears could be an adventure worth trying. You never know, you might surprise yourself."

Ken couldn't help but feel a tug of curiosity in his chest. Maybe Stell was right. Perhaps it was time to step out of his comfort zone and confront his fears head-on. With Stell's unwavering support, he knew he wouldn't be alone in this challenge.

"Alright," Ken said, mustering up a newfound determination. "Let's do it, Stell. Let's face my fears together."

Stell's eyes lit up with a mixture of pride and excitement. "That's the spirit, Ken! I knew you had it in you. Today, we're going to conquer those fears and create memories that will last a lifetime."

As they made their way towards the Ferris wheel, the bustling atmosphere of the theme park seemed to fade into the background. Ken's heart raced with a mixture of nerves and anticipation, but his trust in Stell gave him the strength to move forward.

As they stepped into a brightly colored gondola, the ride began its slow ascent into the sky. Ken gripped the handrail tightly, his breath catching in his throat. But with each passing moment, as the view expanded before him, he felt a sense of awe and wonder wash over him. The fear that had gripped him moments ago began to recede, replaced by a newfound exhilaration and a growing excitement for what lay ahead.

Stell glanced over at Ken, a proud smile spreading across his face. "See, Ken? You're doing amazing! You're facing your fear head-on, and look at the incredible view we have up here!"

Fragile Hearts: Unveiling the Fear of Love (Kentell)Where stories live. Discover now