Chapter 25 : Celebration or Confrontation?

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Ken,Josh,Stell . (Third point of view)

Everyone in the dance team was buzzing with excitement as they gathered at the restaurant to celebrate their recent victory in the dance contest. It was a momentous occasion for them, and the news of their win had spread like wildfire across all social platforms. People couldn't stop talking about Pablo's dance team and their exceptional talent.

Normally, the team would have celebrated the night before, but due to various conflicting plans, they had to reschedule it for today. They had managed to reserve a cozy restaurant located near their school, which had the added bonus of one of the backup dancers being a staff member there. Not only did they receive a warm welcome at the restaurant, but they were also given a generous discount on their meals.

The atmosphere was lively; friends and teammates were happily chatting, reliving their favorite moments from the competition, and discussing future dance routines. But something seemed off to Ken, one of the main dancers in the team. His friends, who were usually boisterous and filled the room with their laughter, were unusually quiet and avoiding eye contact.

Ken's confusion grew with each passing moment. He joined the rest at the table, trying to engage them in conversation, but there was an undeniable tension hanging in the air. As everyone began to eat, he couldn't help but feel excluded and curious about the sudden change in his friends' behavior. He watched as they quietly took bites of their food, avoiding any sort of eye contact or conversation with one another. 

As Ken continued to observe his friends' behavior, he couldn't help but notice Josh's occasional cold glares directed at Stell and Pablo. It was as if an unspoken tension existed between them, and Ken had no clue what could have caused it. Had something happened yesterday that he wasn't aware of? His mind raced with questions, and he grew increasingly frustrated at feeling left out.

Ken despised being in the dark about what was happening among his friends. He prided himself on being part of a tight-knit group, and this sudden distance between them was unsettling. He wished somebody would just break the silence and address the elephant in the room.

Thankfully, Justin managed to sense the uncomfortable atmosphere and attempted to lighten the mood with a joke. Ken mentally thanked Justin, even though the joke turned out to be more cringe-worthy than funny. Despite its lackluster execution, it served its purpose in breaking some of the tension.

The awkwardness slowly dissolved as laughter filled the air, and the friends began teasing Justin about his failed attempt at humor. Ken was grateful for the distraction, as it provided a temporary respite from the underlying tension among the main dancers. However, he couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more going on than meets the eye. 

As the laughter filled the air, Stell seemed to return to his usual self, cracking jokes that had everyone at the table bursting into fits of laughter. His playfulness was infectious, and the tension that had previously hung over the group began to dissipate.

The friends engaged in lively conversations, discussing the feedback they had received from the dance contest and the various opportunities for entertainment that had started to come their way. Excitement bubbled within them as they contemplated the prospect of being recruited by renowned companies and prestigious events. It was an incredible opportunity for the dance team to showcase their talent on a bigger stage.

Amidst the chatter, Josh couldn't help but think back to what he and Justin had witnessed at the Manila Zoo. The way Stell and Pablo interacted hinted at something more than just friendship. Were Stell and Pablo now dating? The thought gnawed at Josh's mind, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of confusion and resentment. He had always believed that Stell had feelings for Ken, and now he feared that his friend might get hurt if Pablo and Stell were indeed in a relationship.

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