Chapter 3 : Stellberry

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Ken. (Third point of view)

Ken stood anxiously on the sidewalk, glancing at his watch every few seconds. The vibrant lights of the city illuminated the dark night sky, creating an aura of urgency and excitement in the air. He was waiting for a taxi to take him to his dance rehearsal, but it seemed like one would never arrive.

Josh, his roommate and fellow dancer, had woken up earlier that morning. Ken, still half-asleep, had groggily declined Josh's invitation to accompany him to the rehearsal. Now, as he stood on the sidewalk, he regretted his decision. He knew that if he missed another rehearsal, Pablo, their strict leader, would be furious.

Sighing, Ken tried to shake off his sleepiness. He rubbed his tired eyes, hoping that a taxi would magically appear. As he fought to keep his eyes open, the sound of a car horn jolted him awake. Startled, he turned to see who was honking at him.

To his surprise, he saw Stell, a fellow dancer from their group, leaning out of a sleek black car. Stell, with his charismatic smile and exuberant personality, was known for his punctuality. Ken couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and annoyance,but deep down, he knew he was grateful for the unexpected rescue. He hurriedly made his way towards the car, clumsily adjusting his dance bag on his shoulder.

"Hey, Ken! Hop in!" Stell called out with contagious enthusiasm.

Ken hopped into the car, feeling a rush of relief wash over him. "Thanks, Stell. You saved my life... again," he said, a hint of gratitude in his voice.

Stell chuckled, his eyes shining with mischief. "No problem, man! Just doing my part to keep the team intact. Plus, I can't let you miss another rehearsal. Pablo's temper is not something you want to mess with."

Ken nodded, fully aware of the consequences of missing yet another rehearsal. The thought of facing an angry Pablo made his skin crawl. He was determined to make a better impression and prove to his mentor that he was dedicated to his craft.

As the car zoomed through the city streets, Ken couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of energy. The adrenaline from narrowly avoiding another late arrival coursed through his veins, replacing his sleepiness with a newfound alertness. He knew that this was his chance to redeem himself and show everyone, including himself, that he had what it takes to be a committed dancer.

As the car pulled up to the dance studio, Ken thanked Stell once again before stepping out onto the sidewalk. The lights inside beckoned him, illuminating the room where his passion came alive.

Taking a deep breath, Ken pushed open the heavy studio doors. The familiar beat of music echoed through the walls, instantly invigorating his spirit. He saw Josh and the rest of the crew already in the middle of their warm-up routine.

Pablo, their leader, towered in the center of the room, scanning the space with a critical eye. His stern expression softened slightly as he caught sight of Ken entering the studio.

"You made it, Ken. Just in time," Pablo said, his voice carrying a mixture of relief and satisfaction. "Take your place and let's get started."

Feeling a wave of determination wash over him, Ken joined his fellow dancers. With every step, every leap, he poured his heart and soul into the routine, determined to prove to himself and his mentors that he was committed to his craft.

As the music swelled, and the dancers moved in perfect synchrony, Ken felt a surge of confidence. He knew that no matter how many obstacles came his way, he had a support system in his friends and a burning passion that would propel him forward. This was just the beginning of his journey, and Ken was ready to give it everything he had.

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