Chapter 8 : Ken's little jealousy era

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Stell,Ken. (Third point of view)

It was already Friday and Stell couldn't contain his excitement. He and his friend, Pablo, had planned to visit Stell's family in Las Piñas City that weekend. They hadn't seen each other in a while and Stell missed his parents and siblings dearly.

However, their plan took an unexpected turn when Pablo suggested inviting their other friends, Justin, Josh, and Ken, to join them. It had been ages since Justin had come along for their get-togethers, and Stell thought it would be great to have them all together again.

After discussing it further, they decided to bring their entire dance team along with them. Stell was secretly thrilled because he wanted to introduce Ken to his family and see their reaction. They couldn't help but imagine the chaos and fun they were about to experience.

Now, Stell, Pablo, and Justin sat inside Stell's car in front of the condominium where Ken and Josh lived. Justin was engrossed in his game on his phone while listening to music on his headphones, barely noticing the conversation in the front seat. Pablo was animatedly discussing with Stell what kind of food they should bring to Stell's parents' house, worried that it would be embarrassing to show up empty-handed with so many people.

Stell suggested bringing ice cream, knowing how much his family loved it. Pablo nodded in agreement, thinking it was a great idea. "We should also get some cupcakes," Pablo added, jotting down the list of things they needed to buy before heading to their destination.

Just as they were about to head inside the condominium to pick up Ken and Josh, Stell couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves. He hadn't introduced anyone to his family before, but he trusted that they would love Ken just as much as he did.

As Ken and Josh emerged from the building, they noticed Stell's car and grinned at their friends. "You won't believe how long it took us to get ready," Ken said, adjusting his cap.

Josh chimed in, teasingly, "Yeah, Ken really needed to impress your family, Stell."

Stell laughed, feeling a surge of happiness as their friends hopped into the car. "You guys are going to fit right in," he said with a smirk.

With the car now filled with laughter and excitement, they set off on their journey to Stell's parents' house in Las Piñas City. The anticipation building in each of them as they wondered what kind of adventures and memories this weekend would hold. The car was filled with chatter and laughter. Stell couldn't help but feel grateful for the amazing friends he had and the opportunity to share this special moment with them.

As they drove along, the warm glow of the setting sun cast a golden hue over the city. Stell's heart fluttered with a mix of nervousness and anticipation as they drew closer to his childhood home. He couldn't wait to see the look on his family's faces when they walked in with a whole entourage of friends.

Little did they know, this weekend would be filled with surprises, laughter, and unforgettable moments as they all came together to celebrate Stell's family.


Ken couldn't quite put his finger on it, but whenever he saw Stell and Pablo talking in the front seat, a strange feeling would stir inside him. It was as if there was a magnetic pull between them, their laughter and animated conversations captivating his attention. He couldn't help but feel a pang of longing whenever he saw them together.

Ken desperately wanted to sit in the passenger seat, where he could be closer to Stell, but their dance team leader had claimed it first. Left with no choice, he settled in the backseat with his other friends, Josh and Justin. Josh was engrossed in a game on his phone, while Justin was arguing with him, their banter filling the air.

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