Chapter 18 : Childhood Memories

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Ken,Stell. (Third point of view)

After the breakfast with Ken and Stell, the two decided to skip their classes for the day. Ken's fatigue from the previous day's activities was really taking a toll on him, and Stell, being the caring friend that he was, offered to stay with him.

As they settled down in Ken's cozy dorm room, Stell began telling Ken about his childhood, reminiscing about all the fun and adventurous moments he had shared with his childhood friend. Even though Stell didn't mention Nek's name.

Listening intently, Ken absorbed every word Stell uttered, hanging on to every story that lit up his friend's eyes with joy. Stell's animated gestures and contagious laughter began to transport Ken to a world where childhood innocence and boundless imagination reigned supreme.

However, as Stell continued talking, Ken felt a slight throbbing at the back of his head. He rubbed his temples, attempting to dispel the persistent ache lingering within. Ignoring it for the time being, he didn't want to interrupt the flow of Stell's storytelling, especially knowing how much his friend valued sharing these memories.

[Stell's Flashback]

In a small town where the trees whispered secrets and the sun always seemed to shine a little brighter, there lived a young boy named Stell. He was a curious, adventurous soul, with big, bright eyes that were always searching for new wonders.

On a warm summer's day, as Stell made his way through the bustling streets, he stumbled upon a hidden gem - a park tucked away behind a row of towering trees. Intrigued, he ventured inside, the sound of laughter and the sweet scent of freshly mowed grass leading him further.

As he approached a brightly colored swing set, Stell noticed a boy sitting on a nearby bench. The boy's face was etched with sorrow, tears streaming down his cheeks and melting the creamy ice cream cone in his hand.

Unable to ignore someone in such distress, Stell's heart tugged at him, pushing him to approach the stranger. Tentatively, he stepped closer, his small frame casting a shadow over the boy.

"Hey," Stell began softly, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and curiosity. "Why are you crying?"

The boy, startled by the interruption, looked up and sniffled, his eyes red and puffy. "My parents... they left me again," he choked out between sobs. "And my friend... he always leaves me too."

Stell's heart sank at the boy's words, his own memories of loneliness and sadness flooding back. He couldn't bear to see someone else feeling the same way he once did.

"Hey, hey, don't be a crying baby," Stell blurted, instantly regretting his harsh words. Realizing his mistake, he quickly moved closer to the boy, a wave of guilt crashing over him.

"I'm sorry," Stell said softly, his voice filled with genuine remorse. "I didn't mean to make you cry. I know what it feels like to be alone and it's not a nice feeling. I want to be your friend, if you'll have me. And I promise I won't leave you."

The boy, still teary-eyed, sniffed and looked up at Stell. His lips trembled, unsure whether he could trust the stranger standing before him. But there was something about Stell's sincerity, something in his eyes that gave him hope.

With a shy smile, the boy wiped away his tears and held out his hand. "I'm nek," he said, his voice filled with a glimmer of excitement and vulnerability. "And maybe... maybe we can be friends."

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