Chapter 16 : Pablo's Feelings

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Josh.Stell.Pablo. (Third point of view.)

As Josh carefully tucked Ken into bed, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of concern. The events of the day had taken their toll on Ken, and his body was now battling a full-blown fever. It was clear to Josh that Ken's emotional anguish had manifest itself physically.

Sitting at Ken's bedside, Josh recalled the heart-wrenching sound of Ken's cries in the park. It was as if the weight of the world had crashed down upon him all at once. Ken had always been strong and composed, but today, he had let his guard down and allowed his emotions to consume him. 

As the evening turned into night, Josh couldn't bear the thought of leaving Ken alone in such a vulnerable state. He decided to stay by his side and monitor his fever closely. After all, their condos were only two units apart, and he could easily keep an eye on Ken while taking care of his own needs.

As Josh stepped out of Ken's condo and made his way towards his own, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. The short distance between their units allowed him the chance to freshen up and gather his own thoughts before returning to attend to Ken's fever.

But as he reached his door, he saw a figure standing by Ken's entrance. It was Stell, a mutual friend who always seemed to find a way to insert himself into Ken's life. Josh's patience was wearing thin, and he had no desire to engage with someone who had potentially caused Ken's emotional distress.

With a curt tone, Josh tried to brush off Stell's concern. "He's fine," he said tersely, hoping Stell would take the hint and leave. But Stell's curiosity got the better of him, and he persisted with his questions about Ken's well-being.

Growing frustrated, Josh's voice grew sharper. "If you're not serious about Ken, then leave him alone. You're just bothering him even more." He hoped this final warning would be enough to make Stell understand the gravity of the situation and finally back off.

Stell, taken aback by Josh's straightforwardness, nodded in confusion and reluctantly stepped away from Ken's door. Though Stell was puzzled by Josh's stern words and unexpected behavior, he sensed the protective wall that Josh had put up to shield Ken from any further harm. Understanding that his presence could potentially exacerbate the situation, Stell decided to respect Josh's appeal and let Ken rest without any unnecessary interference.

As Stell wandered back to his own unit, his mind raced with worry and unanswered questions. What had happened to Ken that had prompted such an intense emotional response? Why was Josh so adamant about keeping him at bay? Is this why ken left earlier?

Unable to shake off his concern, Stell resolved to find another way to support Ken without intruding on his personal space. Perhaps reaching out to their mutual friends or seeking guidance from someone close to Ken would provide the insight he sought.

Meanwhile, Josh hurriedly completed his shower, his thoughts consumed by Ken's fragile state. He knew that the healing process would not be easy, but he was determined to be there for Ken, to offer comfort and support, no matter what it took.

Feeling slightly rejuvenated after his shower, Josh swiftly returned to Ken's condo, ready to continue monitoring his fever and be there for him through the night. As he stepped inside, his heart felt both heavy with worry and filled with determination to help Ken overcome this emotional turmoil. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for the long night ahead. It was going to be a challenging journey, but Josh was determined to see Ken through it, one fevered moment at a time.


(timeline: where ken left the studio) 

Stell stood there, frozen in place, as a mix of emotions washed over him. Confusion. Concern. And a lingering sense of longing. His eyes followed Ken's retreating figure, a heavy worry settling in his chest.

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