Chapter 34 : The truth

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Ken,Ken's uncle. (Third point of view)

Ken stood at the foot of the bed, gazing fondly at his slumbering boyfriend, Stell. The soft moonlight filtering through the curtains kissed Stell's peaceful face, highlighting the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. Ken's heart swelled with love and admiration for the man beside him. 

Unable to resist the overwhelming urge to show his affection, Ken leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to Stell's forehead, leaving behind a silent promise of love and devotion. He didn't want to wake him; instead, he slipped out of the warm cocoon of their bed without making a sound. The floor creaked faintly beneath his weight, but he managed to tiptoe his way out of the room.

As Ken descended the stairs of his uncle's house, memories of his grandparents flooded his mind. They had spent countless summers together in this very house, years filled with love, laughter, and the precious bonding moments that have shaped Ken into the man he is today. A bittersweet pang of nostalgia gripped his heart as he realized just how much he missed them.

He walked past photographs hanging on the walls, each capturing different moments of joy and togetherness. Ken's grandparents, both with hearts full of warmth and wisdom, stared back at him. Their smiling faces brought a mixture of happiness and grief to Ken's soul. 

His grandfather had been a strong, kind-hearted man with a knack for storytelling, while his grandmother possessed an infectious laughter that could brighten the dullest of days. They were his guiding lights, his pillars of strength. And their absence in his life was a void that could never be filled.

Ken made his way into the kitchen, feeling the weight of memories settle on his shoulders. It all felt so surreal—the familiarity of the place combined with the stark reality that his grandparents were no longer with him. As the coffee brewed, the scent enveloped him in a comforting haze, soothing his restless mind.

With a steaming cup in hand, Ken retreated to the porch, staring out into the vast night sky. Stars shimmered overhead, like distant memories waiting to be rekindled. The stillness of the night embraced him, granting him solace and a rare moment of introspection.

Closing his eyes, Ken allowed his mind to wander back to the time he shared with his grandparents. He recalled lazy afternoons spent in the backyard, tending to their beautiful garden, and evenings filled with laughter around the dinner table. They had taught him the importance of cherishing friends, of finding joy in the simplest of moments.

Tears welled up in Ken's eyes, a mixture of sadness and gratitude. He missed them deeply, their absence a constant ache within his heart. Yet, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the memories they had given him. The love and wisdom they had imparted had shaped him into the person he was today, and he knew that they would forever be a part of him.

As Ken sipped his coffee, he vowed to honor their memory, to carry their spirit forward in his own actions and choices. He would live a life they would be proud of and find solace in knowing he was loved and supported, even in their absence.

As Ken turned to make his way back to his room, a flicker of movement caught his attention. His gaze shifted towards the garden outside the front of the house, where a figure sat alone. It was his uncle, a man who had always seemed a pillar of strength and unwavering support.

Curiosity piqued, Ken found himself drawn towards his uncle, his instincts urging him to check on him. As he approached, he noticed the faint aroma of alcohol in the air, mingling with the whispers of the night. A sense of concern washed over him, knowing that his uncle had turned to this coping mechanism before during difficult times.

Ken settled down beside his uncle, the grass cool against his legs. The silence between them felt heavy and laden with unspoken emotions. When his uncle finally acknowledged his presence, surprise flickered across his face, followed by a soft smile.

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