Chapter 13 : My Bal

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Stell,Ken,Josh. (Third point  of view)

After bidding farewell to Ken and Josh, Stell took a deep breath as he hopped back into his car and started the engine. The last few days at his parents' house in Las Piñas City had been filled with laughter, home-cooked meals, and cherished memories. But now, it was time to return to their own condominium, where the hustle and bustle of city life awaited.

As he pulled out of the driveway, Stell glanced at his rearview mirror and caught sight of his best friends, Justin and Pablo, settling comfortably in the backseat. Their expressions mirrored his own mix of contentment and reluctance to leave the peaceful suburbs behind.

The three friends had been inseparable since their college days and had chosen to live in the same condominium, cherishing the convenience and the constant companionship it provided. Whether it was spontaneous movie nights or heart-to-heart conversations over midnight snacks, their condo had become a haven for their tight-knit group.

But as Stell merged onto the highway, the familiar city skyline greeted them, marking the end of their brief escape from reality. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease at the thought of the challenges and responsibilities that awaited them back in the city.

After a long and tiring ride, Stell finally arrived at their condominium. Justin and Pablo, equally exhausted, bid him a quick farewell and disappeared into the elevator, heading to their respective floors. Stell trudged slowly towards his own unit, feeling a wave of weariness wash over him.

As he stepped into his condo, a sigh escaped his lips, the weight of the day settling on his shoulders. The thought of a shower was the only thing driving him forward now. He dragged himself to the bathroom, absently turning on the water.

As the warm cascade of water washed away the fatigue, Stell's mind began to wander. The tranquility of the shower allowed his thoughts to drift to the one person who had occupied his mind for far too long – Ken, his closest friend.

The question that had been plaguing his heart finally surfaced again: did he have romantic feelings for Ken? Stell had always been open-minded when it came to love, never placing limitations on who he could be attracted to. His family had been accepting of his own fluid sexuality, and he had grown up with a firm belief in love being universal.

Nevertheless, the thought of Ken having a girlfriend made a dull ache settle in Stell's chest. He didn't want to feel possessive or selfish, but the idea of someone else capturing Ken's attention made him uneasy. Ken was the epitome of the "straight friend," with no indication of ever being interested in other guys.

Stell knew he couldn't force his feelings onto Ken or expect anything in return. If Ken were to find someone he loved, Stell would support him wholeheartedly. But for now, Stell wanted to cherish every moment they had together, basking in their friendship and the unspoken connection between them.

In the solitude of the shower, Stell allowed himself to be vulnerable, even if just for a moment. Maybe one day, when the time was right, someone would hear his unspoken feelings for Ken and make everything fall into place. Until then, Stell would keep his emotions hidden beneath a facade of unwavering friendship, hoping that fate would intervene and guide them towards a future where their hearts aligned.

As Stell settled onto his bed after a refreshing shower, he reached for his phone to catch up on social media. His feed was filled with the usual updates from friends, but what caught his attention was Ken's recent post. Stell had always been the one with the camera, capturing their memories and adventures. But this time, it was different.

The picture Ken had uploaded was a candid shot, taken by Stell himself. It showed the three friends, Stell, Justin, and Pablo, all smiling and laughing, their genuine joy captured in the frame. But it was the caption that made Stell's heart skip a beat.

Fragile Hearts: Unveiling the Fear of Love (Kentell)Where stories live. Discover now