Chapter 33 : Meet Ken's Uncle

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Stell, Ken, Ken's uncle. (Third point of view)

It was a bright and sunny morning as Ken and Stell embarked on a journey to Ken's childhood home. After months of contemplating and preparing, they had finally decided to leave Ken's beloved cat, Kuro, in the care of his uncle for a month. With their college graduation rapidly approaching, both Ken and Stell knew they would be consumed by the chaotic frenzy of final projects and exams.

Stell gripped the steering wheel, his mind occasionally wandering to the pendant he had discovered hidden amongst Ken's belongings a few months back. The intricate design and the air of mystery surrounding it had piqued his curiosity, but he still hadn't mustered up the courage to ask Ken about it.

As the view outside the window shifted from the cityscape to the countryside, Stell resolved to finally unravel the secret behind the pendant. With the end of their college journey nearing, the time felt right to uncover the truth.

"Ken, have you given any thought to where you want to work after graduation?" Stell asked, attempting to distract himself from his own thoughts.

Ken turned towards him, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "I've been considering a few options," he replied. "I've always had a passion for architectural design, so I've been looking into firms that specialize in sustainable architecture. It's important for me to make a positive impact on the environment through my work."

Stell nodded, impressed by Ken's dedication and enthusiasm. "That's amazing, Ken. I'm sure you'll find a perfect fit. As for me, I've been more inclined towards the media arts. I've been exploring opportunities in film production and graphic design. I want to tell stories and create meaningful visual experiences."

Ken smiled, a glint of excitement in his eyes. "I've always admired your talents in those areas, Stell. You have such a unique creativity that captivates people. I have no doubt you'll excel in whatever you choose to do."

After their long conversation, Ken and Stell finally arrived at Ken's uncle's house. Stell took a moment to observe the surroundings while Ken retrieved the cat carrier bag from the backseat. The house was impressive, exuding a sense of warmth and comfort. Though simple, it had an air of tranquility that made Stell feel instantly at ease.

As they approached the front door, it swung open revealing Ken's auntie, her eyes lighting up at the sight of Ken.

"Oh, Ken! It's so good to see you," she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace.

Ken returned the hug, a wide smile spreading across his face. "It's great to see you too, Auntie. I've missed you."

Stell stood slightly behind Ken, observing the heartfelt reunion. As Ken's auntie released him from her embrace, she turned her attention to Stell, her eyes bright and welcoming.

"You must be Stell," she said with a genuine smile, extending her hand towards him. "Ken has told me so much about you. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Stell returned the smile, accepting her hand and giving it a gentle shake. "The pleasure is all mine, Auntie," he replied with a slight bow. "Thank you for welcoming us into your home."

Ken's auntie ushered them inside, assuring them that Ken's uncle would arrive soon with some food. The house was cozy and filled with family photos and mementos, reflecting a lifetime of memories. Stell couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort as he observed the familiar and lived-in atmosphere.

They settled into the living room, where Ken's auntie offered them some refreshments. As Ken offered to help his auntie in the kitchen, Stell took the chance to explore the house a bit more. As he walked towards the hallway, his attention was abruptly caught by a familiar figure at the door. It was Ken's uncle, arriving with bags of groceries in his arms.

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