Chapter 4 : Enchanted Kingdom pt. 1

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Ken. (Third point of view)

Ken groaned as he heard his phone buzzing persistently on his nightstand. He buried his head deeper into the pillow, hoping the sound would magically disappear. He had been enjoying a rare day off from dance rehearsals and had planned to do absolutely nothing productive. But now, someone was interrupting his peaceful slumber, and Ken had a sinking feeling that he knew exactly who it was.

He reached out groggily, eyes still half-closed, and grasped his phone. As he expected, it was Stell's name flashing on the screen. Ken had given Stell his special ringtone to ensure he could never ignore his calls. In the past couple of weeks, whether they were together or apart, they had started talking on the phone a lot. It had become a daily routine for them to share their thoughts, their dreams, and even their silly jokes. It was just another way for them to stay connected.

Suppressing a yawn, Ken reluctantly answered the call. "Morning, Stell. What's up?"

A hint of excitement filled Stell's voice from the other end of the line, "Hey, Ken! I'm coming over to your condo. I've got something important to tell you."

Ken's eyebrows shot up, his droopy eyes suddenly wide open with curiosity. "Something important? What's going on, Stell?"

Stell chuckled playfully. "Oh, you'll find out soon enough! Just make sure you're wide awake and ready for me when I get there."

Ken couldn't help but smile at the sound of Stell's mischievous tone. "Alright, alright. Give me about thirty minutes. I'll be up, I promise."

"Perfect. See you soon, Ken," Stell replied, his voice filled with anticipation.

As Ken hung up the call, he couldn't shake off the waves of excitement pulsing through him. He quickly got out of bed, the sleepiness fading away, replaced by a newfound energy. Stell's sudden visit had piqued his curiosity and made him wonder what surprise awaited him.

Ken rushed through his morning routine, attempting to make himself presentable before Stell's arrival. He couldn't help but be grateful for the fact that they didn't have any rehearsals scheduled that day, allowing him to fully focus on whatever Stell had in store for him.

Within the thirty minutes he had promised, Ken stood by the door of his condo, a mix of nerves and excitement bubbling inside him. He adjusted his shirt and ran a hand through his slightly unkempt hair, unable to contain his growing anticipation.

Just as Ken anxiously tapped his foot against the floor, he heard a knock on the door. Without hesitation, he swung it open, revealing Stell standing there with a wide grin plastered across his face.

"Morning, Ken!" Stell exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with joy. He held up a bag containing two coffees. "I brought your favorite, freshly brewed."

Ken couldn't help but chuckle, feeling his heart flutter at the thoughtful gesture. "You really know how to make a guy's day, Stell."

Stell stepped inside, handing Ken one of the cups. He lowered his voice, leaning in closer. "You know, Ken, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. And I've come to a decision where going to enchanted kingdom today."

Ken blinked, caught off guard by Stell's sudden suggestion. Enchanted Kingdom was a place he had always wanted to visit , but it had seemed like a distant dream until now. The amusement park was known for its thrilling rides, magical atmosphere, and unforgettable memories.

"Why now?" Ken asked, his eyes widening in surprise. Stell's usual laid-back demeanor had transformed into one of excitement and anticipation. It was infectious, igniting a spark of adventure within Ken.

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