CHAPTER 35 : Happiness

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Ken,Stell,Pablo,Josh,Justin. ( Third point of view)

Ken, Stell, Pablo,  Josh, and Justin sat together in the cafeteria, their laughter and banter filling the air. They were a close-knit group of friends who had shared countless memories over the years. But now, with only a week left before graduation, a bittersweet feeling hung in the air.

As they dug into their meals, Ken glanced at Josh and Justin, who were engaged in a lighthearted argument. Josh, the aspiring architect, was convinced that his course was the most demanding and challenging. On the other hand, Justin, a talented multimedia arts student, believed that his field required a diverse skill set that surpassed that of any other discipline.

Ken chuckled softly to himself, shaking his head at their friendly rivalry. He had always been the calming presence, the mediator, within their group. With his steady and logical mindset, he often managed to find the middle ground between Josh and Justin's debates.

Taking another bite of his food, Ken's mind began to wander. Graduation was so close, and it was hard to believe that their journey through college was coming to an end. It seemed like just yesterday they had started as wide-eyed freshmen, eager to explore the uncharted territories of knowledge and adulthood.

Their years at university had been filled with laughter and late-night study sessions, with moments of triumph and moments of defeat. They had faced numerous challenges, both inside and outside the classroom, but had always supported and encouraged each other along the way.

But now, a mix of anticipation and anxiety filled their conversations as they talked about life post-graduation. They realized that soon they would be entering the real world, with all its uncertainties and responsibilities. The comfort of the campus bubble would soon be replaced by the hustle and bustle of the professional world.

As Ken glanced around the bustling cafeteria, he saw other students, also deep in conversation with their friends, their faces reflecting a similar mix of emotions. Everyone seemed to be on the precipice of a new chapter, ready to dive in but also pondering the past with a touch of nostalgia.

Ken's gaze shifted from the conversation at their table to the food counter, where Stell stood, eagerly pointing at the array of drinks on display. Ken couldn't help but smile as he watched his boyfriend, Stell, acting like an excited puppy eagerly waiting for a treat.

Ever since they had returned from a trip to Ken's uncle's house, where they had unearthed hidden secrets that had brought them closer together, Stell seemed to have become even more devoted and affectionate towards Ken. He made it a point to spoil Ken with thoughtful gifts, making up for the birthdays they had missed when they were apart.

Ken's heart swelled with warmth as he observed Stell's childlike exuberance. It was moments like these that reminded Ken of the bond they shared, a bond that had withstood the test of time and distance. No matter how long they had been apart, their love had never wavered.

With a fond smile, Ken's mind wandered back to the day they had uncovered the secrets at his uncle's house. The experience had been magical, revealing not only hidden treasures but also a deeper understanding of their own selves and their relationship. It had been a turning point, solidifying their commitment to one another and igniting a renewed sense of adventure and exploration.

As Stell finally selected his drink and made his way back to the table, Ken couldn't hold back the excitement bubbling inside him. He reached out and took Stell's hand, feeling the warmth and connection between them.

"You know," Ken began, his voice filled with tenderness, "you really do spoil me, Bal. I can't believe how lucky I am to have you by my side, not just on special occasions, but every day."

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