Chapter 14 : What is love?

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Ken.Josh. (Third point of view )

Ken sighed as he glanced one more time at his alarm clock, hoping that somehow it would magically turn back time and grant him a few more hours of sleep. Unfortunately, reality didn't work that way. With a groan, he reluctantly swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stumbled towards the bathroom.

The sound of cascading water from the shower helped to wake him up a bit, but Ken still felt the effects of the late night he had spent binge-watching his favorite TV series. He lathered himself with soap, letting the warm water wash away the remnants of sleep. Today is back to school after a long sembreak, he thought, forcing himself to focus on the day ahead.

Once he was dressed in a comfy yet school-appropriate outfit, Ken double-checked that he had all his notes and assignments before heading out of the condo. He stood outside, tapping his foot impatiently as he waited for a taxi. But just as he was about to give up and call for one, a familiar honk sounded from down the street.

Turning his head, Ken's eyes widened in surprise as he recognized his friend Stell's car pulling up in front of him. Stell had always been an early bird, and it seemed that today was no different. With a bright smile on his face, Stell leaned over and rolled down the passenger window.

"Good morning, Bal! Hop in, I got you a coffee and some doughnuts," Stell said, holding up a takeout cup and a brown paper bag.

Ken's face lit up with gratitude and relief. He accepted the offerings with a thankful nod and got into the car. As he took a sip of the warm coffee, he realized how thoughtful his friend was.

"Thanks, Bal. You always know exactly what I need," Ken said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.

Stell chuckled as he started driving towards the university. "I figured you wouldn't bother making breakfast after a late night. Besides, it's the least I can do for my favorite architecture Bal"

Ken smiled warmly at the familiar nickname. Stell had always been there for him, and their shared passion for architecture bonded them even closer. The drive to the university was filled with light chatter and laughter, effectively wiping away Ken's drowsiness and replacing it with anticipation for the day ahead.

As they arrived at the architecture building, Ken thanked Stell one more time before getting out of the car. He watched as Stell's car drove off towards the distant media arts building, which was located on the opposite side of the campus. Stell waved goodbye with a grin, reminding Ken that they would meet up for their dance rehearsals after their respective classes.

Feeling energized by Stell's presence, Ken walked into the architecture building, his steps echoing in the halls. He made his way to his assigned classroom, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness for the first day back after the sembreak. But as he entered the classroom, he found himself surrounded by familiar faces and friendly greetings, instantly putting him at ease.

As the day went on, Ken immersed himself in the world of architecture, eagerly absorbing the knowledge from his professors and engaging in discussions with his classmates. 

As Ken sat in his architecture class, his mind wandered aimlessly, his attention drifting away from the presentation at the front of the room. The sound of his classmates' voices blurred into a dull hum, and he found himself lost in his own thoughts.

But then, something piqued his interest. Amidst the background noise, he caught snippets of a conversation from a group of classmates near him. They were speaking about a promotional event happening on campus, something about spreading love and understanding among the students. Ken's curiosity was piqued, and he couldn't help but tune in.

Fragile Hearts: Unveiling the Fear of Love (Kentell)Where stories live. Discover now