Chapter 27: Awkwardness and The Matchmaker

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Josh,Ken,Pablo,Stell. (Third point of view)

As Josh watched Ken push his food around on his plate, he could see the guilt and sadness in his friend's eyes. It pained Josh to see Ken shutting himself off from everyone and everything, especially knowing that he was the reason for Ken's current state.

Ever since the explosive confrontation between Ken, Stell, and Pablo, everything had changed. Ken had made it clear that he didn't want anything to do with Stell anymore. It was as if he had built an impenetrable wall around himself, not allowing anyone to come too close.

Josh had tried to talk to Ken about it, to understand his reasons and offer his support, but every attempt was met with a dismissive response or a sudden change in subject. Josh now realized that Ken was not only avoiding Stell, but he was also distancing himself from their entire group of friends.

It was in moments like these that Josh couldn't help but blame himself. Maybe if he had handled the situation differently, if he had intervened in a more subtle manner, things wouldn't have turned out this way. He felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders, knowing that he had played a part in pushing Ken away from the people who cared about him.

"Ken, I can't stand seeing you like this," Josh finally spoke up, breaking the silence between them. "It's been weeks, and you're still shutting everyone out. You're isolating yourself, man."

Ken looked up at Josh, his expression a mix of sadness and frustration. "I know, Josh. I just... I can't face Stell right now. Every time I see him, it just brings back all the pain and anger. I can't handle it."

Josh nodded, trying to understand where Ken was coming from. "But shutting yourself off from everyone is not going to make things better. You need to talk about what happened, deal with your emotions, or else it's just going to eat away at you."

Ken sighed, the weight of his inner turmoil evident. "I know, but I don't even know where to begin. Everything was falling apart, Josh, and it was my fault. I just can't face them, knowing I played a part in destroying what we had."

Josh placed a hand on Ken's shoulder, offering him some support. "None of us are perfect, Ken. We all make mistakes, and sometimes they have consequences we never anticipated. But that doesn't mean we can't try to make things right. " 

As Josh was about to take another bite of his food, he heard someone call their names. Turning his head towards the sound, he saw Justin approaching their table, accompanied by Stell and Pablo. Josh's heart sank as he glanced at Ken, noticing his immediate flinch at the sight of them. Instinctively, Josh placed a firm hand on Ken's arm, silently communicating for him to stay seated.

Ken glared at Josh, clearly annoyed by his interference, but ultimately obeyed and remained seated. The tension in the air was palpable as Justin and the others joined them at the table. The once vibrant and harmonious group of friends now sat in awkward silence, with only the clinking of utensils against plates breaking the stillness.

Pablo, trying to fill the uncomfortable void, struck up a conversation with Justin about their upcoming project. Their words filled the air, but it was clear that nobody was truly engaged. Stell and Ken remained fixated on their plates, their eyes desperately avoiding any form of contact with each other.

Feeling the weight of the strained atmosphere, Josh decided to break the silence. "So, guys... how's everything going?" he asked with forced cheerfulness, but his voice betrayed the unease he felt.

Stell glanced up for a moment, his eyes briefly meeting Josh's before darting back down to his plate. "Everything's okay," he replied quietly, his voice laced with a hint of sadness.

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