Chapter 26: Double Pain

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Ken,Pablo. (Third point of view)

Ken stood outside of Stell's condominium, his heart pounding in his chest. He didn't understand what he was feeling, but he knew one thing for certain - he was scared. Scared to face the truth that awaited him inside.

As he walked towards the entrance, Ken's mind was filled with a whirlwind of emotions. Confusion, longing, and a tinge of excitement all mingled together, confusing him even more. He knew he didn't have the right to feel this way, but he couldn't deny the growing intensity within him.

This was the first time Ken had ever felt like this, and he had no idea how to navigate through it. All he knew was that he had to confront it head-on. He had to see Stell, talk to him, and maybe finally get some answers to the countless questions that plagued his mind.

But as Ken approached the entrance, he froze in his tracks. His eyes widened as he caught sight of another figure in front of Stell. It was Pablo, a close friend of theirs. Ken's heart sank as he watched Stell lean towards Pablo, their bodies almost touching.

In that moment, jealousy and anger coursed through Ken's veins. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Had he been oblivious this entire time? Had Josh been giving him hints that he was too blind to notice?

Ken couldn't bear to watch any longer. Without even realizing it, he turned on his heel and started running. He didn't know if they had actually kissed, and at that moment, he didn't care. All he knew was that he needed to get away, to distance himself from the pain that was threatening to consume him.

As he ran, tears streamed down Ken's face. He felt a mixture of betrayal and self-disgust. How could he have been so dumb, so blind to let his heart fall in love? He scolded himself for being so naïve, for allowing himself to believe that maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for him and Stell.

The sound of his footsteps echoed in his ears as Ken sprinted away from Stell's condominium, leaving behind the person he thought he knew. In that moment, he vowed to protect his heart, to never let it be vulnerable again. He swore to himself that he would bury these feelings deep within, letting them fade away with time.

But as he continued to run, Ken couldn't shake the ache in his chest. The void that Stell had unknowingly created was vast and painful. Despite his best efforts, Ken couldn't ignore the love he had developed for his friend.

Ken's eyes felt blurry as tears welled up and streamed down his face. He couldn't believe this was happening. As he wiped the tears away, he started walking back to his own condominium, hoping to escape the pain that threatened to consume him. But before he could get far, he felt a strong grip on his arm, pulling him back.

Startled, Ken turned around to see Stell standing before him. His friend's face was flushed and he was breathing heavily, as if he had been running. Ken tried to pull his arm away, but Stell held on tight, refusing to let go.

"Why are you crying?" Stell asked, his voice filled with concern and confusion. "And what are you doing here? Is everything okay?"

Ken's heart ached at the sound of Stell's voice, at the concern in his eyes. He pulled his arm out of Stell's grasp and took a step back. His voice quivered as he finally found the courage to speak.

"Why did you lie?" Ken's voice cracked with emotion. "Why did you decide to lie about it?"

Stell's face contorted with confusion as he searched Ken's eyes for answers. "Lie about what? What are you talking about?"

Ken let out a sad, bitter laugh. He couldn't believe he was about to say the words that would make everything real.

"I knew I didn't have the right to question this," Ken began, his voice choked with tears. "But lying about how you and Pablo are dating... it's making me feel so dumb."

Fragile Hearts: Unveiling the Fear of Love (Kentell)Where stories live. Discover now