Author's Note

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Author's Note:

Hello dear readers,

I hope you're enjoying the journey so far in "Fragile Hearts: Unveiling the fear of love" I wanted to take a moment to address something that might be on your minds—Ken's apparent lack of phobia towards love, specifically his lack of philophobia toward Stell.

You see, the reason why Ken hasn't shown any signs of having philophobia towards Stell is that he still views Stell as his great friend—a companion with whom he can share adventures and laughter. In Ken's mind, Stell has never been seen as a potential lover, but rather as an important presence in his life.

I understand that this might be confusing for some, as it goes against the expectations of a typical romance story. However, "Fragile Hearts: Unveiling the fear of love" is intended to be a slowburn tale, where the characters may take time to recognize and discover their true feelings. While Ken may not have expressed any romantic interest in Stell yet, rest assured that their bond will continue to evolve throughout the story.

And also , As I am fully committed to bringing you exciting and captivating content, I have decided to stick to a consistent update schedule. From now on, I will be posting new chapters on Mondays, Fridays, and Sundays. (1-2 Chaptes each day)

This new schedule, which I hope will be easier for all of us to keep track of, will ensure that you don't miss a single moment of the story. I am thrilled to be able to deliver new chapters on a regular basis, and I appreciate your patience and understanding as I work to make this possible.

I truly hope you continue to enjoy the unfolding of Ken and Stell's journey as they navigate the uncertain paths of love.

With warm regards,


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