chapter 3

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Y/n pov

"What?!" It was all I could say.
"Sorry, but did you seriously think you would never have to go back there?!" She raised her eyebrow at my reaction as she replied in a sarcastic tone.
"Not if I could help it." I kept walking up and down.
"You do realize you're the CEO, right?! Oh, sorry, spoiler alert." Jane exclaimed sarcastically.
"Jane, try to read the room." I snapped back at her. I know she meant well, but my mood was totally off at the moment. And, to add to the pile of misery, in a matter of days, I had to fly back to Seoul and meet my ex, who also happens to be the father of my child.
"Omg, Jung Hee!" I exclaimed, stopping abruptly in the middle of the room. Amidst all the crazy things happening today, I couldn't believe I had forgotten about my baby. Poor thing, he didn't even know about his father. I've always avoided the topic because I didn't know what to say to him. He was growing up so fast and had even started asking questions, which, until now, I had skillfully avoided. I knew well I couldn't avoid it forever, but for now, it would do. On the other hand, Jungkook should never know about him. I don't know if I was doing this for my sake or for my son's. If Jungkook knew, he would never forgive me. Pushing that thought aside, I tried to focus on this much feared trip and took a mental note to call my sister later on. I bet Min Ha was going to be ecstatic.

JK pov

"Tae, didn't you find it suspicious that Miss Lee wasn't attending the meeting and she had to step back because of a last moment health issue?!" He asked Taehyung as he put the last two words in air quotes.
"Well, while in there, I didn't, but now that you make me think of it..." Taehyung answered, furrowing his brows, trying to recall the meeting.
"Hmmm... anyway, do we have any info on her?" I asked again, now intrigued by her lack of presence.
"Yes, we do." He said with a smug face, pleased with his own work.
"But, we don't have any pictures, though. I found it a bit...fishy?! I was told that she was super tight when it came to her private life and doesn't let anyone take pictures of her. Maybe she's Wonder Woman." Taehyung cracked up at his own joke.
"What's weird with that?! I hate getting photographed, too." I replied, giving him the side-eye.
"I'm sure you two would get along just fine. You're practically the same breed."
They brushed off the topic and walked back to their offices to work on their daily agenda.

Y/n pov

"Sup, Min hoe!" I spoke on the phone, cracking the same joke I used to since we were younger.
"Yaaaa...! How many times have I told you not to call me that!" She snapped at me, making me move away the phone from my ear.
"It's always funny, though. Admit it!" I laughed hysterically.
"How come are you calling me at this time of the day? Is Jung Hee okay?!" She asked, concerned.
"Yes, I'm fine too. Thanks for being so concerned about your little sister." I replied sarcastically.
"Ya bitch, drop the act. What happened?!" She asked again, ignoring my sarcastic commentary.
"Guess who's coming to Seoul next week?" After a brief silence, she exclaimed.
"Are you kidding me?! Oh my gosh... I'm so happy! Wait a minute tho..." All of a sudden, she stopped talking but then quickly added.
"Whatever happened to the, and I quote: "I'll never set foot in that place again"?!" She spoke, mimicking my tone of voice, making me snort. I gathered my thoughts before starting to explain to her.
"Uhm... Long story short, I have to meet with the CEO of a company based in Seoul. I told you about it last time we spoke." I answered as I waited for a feedback from her.
"Girly, my brain shuts itself down whenever you start talking about work. It's called self preservation, you know." She explained without caring if I got offended or not.
"Kkkkk...bye then!" I said, pretending to be offended.
"Yaaaa...don't be a spoilsport and spill everything." She pleaded.
"The CEO of the company I have to deal with, happens to be the same guy I swore to never see again." I spoke quickly spurting it out all together in one phrase, letting out a sigh.
"Bitch, fuck your luck!" She gasped, flabbergasted.
"Y/n, what are you going to do?!" Her tone of voice changed into an almost motherly one.
"It's not much I can do. I'll get there, close the deal and get back here, as soon as possible." I explained, mentally planning as I spoke.
"Uh-huh... sure, sure. I bet you're wearing your best clown costume, as we speak. Is it matching your make-up, at least?!" She replied mockingly at my words.
"Yaaaa...I'm a professional now, mind you!" I answered back.
"I know I can handle it. I'm not the same person I was five years ago." My tone of voice broke up as I spoke.
"You're not, I know that. But, when it comes to THE Jeon Jungkook, you're still the same girl. He owns your ass, sis!" She stated.
"I know that and, I hate it!" I replied, angry at myself as I stomped my feet on the floor, like Jung Hee would do. I wanted to scream out of frustration.
"Y/n'ya, you're one of the smartest people I know, but when it comes to him, your IQ drops 10 points every time you look him in the eye." I heard her sigh.
"I'm pretty much fucked, at this point. I know I have to pull off all of my inner strength because it's not just about me anymore. I have other priorities." I answered, trying to convince myself this time.
"I know, baby sis."
"See you in Seoul, then. Love ya!"
"Love ya more!"
With that, I hung up the phone call and hoped everything would work out by itself. It's just a few days, how hard can it be. I tried to convince myself and mentally started planning the trip.

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