chapter 20

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Y/n pov

We were the last ones to enter the classroom, which draw not only the professor's attention at us but also our classmates; especially the female ones. The criminal look on their faces, when I entered with Jungkook in tow, was really one for the books. I was still stuck at the entrance of the classroom, feeling a bit embarrassed, not knowing which way to go or where to sit. All of a sudden, I felt a hand pull me from the wrist. I turned my head, and I saw Jungkook, pulling me up the classroom stairs, having found a place for us. Surprisingly, I didn't find the need to shake off his hand. I let him hold my wrist until we sat down. The professor kept eyeing the two of us until the very end before continuing with the lesson.
"Now, that finally everyone managed to find a place, I can start this course. For the Financial Management Course, in case anyone here forgot what the course topic is about, you are requested to develop 3 projects. And this, just for the first semester." Students started to chit chat with one another only to be silenced by the professor when he took the floor again. On the other hand, since we sat down, I couldn't concentrate on anything. Jungkook's intoxicating spicy perfume had totally numbed my senses. I couldn't get enough of it, and I think, at a certain point, I shamelessly leaned a bit towards him in order to take a whiff. I turned my head to take a look at Jungkook and see if he had noticed, but he was too focused on his notes. He hadn't even flinched at what the professor had just announced or even looked my way. The professor raised his voice, and that was my cue to finally pay attention at the lesson.
"You will be paired in groups of two. I'm leaving you the choice of picking your project partner. Pick wisely." After what felt like an eternity, the lesson had come to an end. I started to gather up my stuff and place them inside my bag when I saw a group of female students running towards where we were seated. Without warning, I was being pushed from side to side from each and every one of them. I saw Jungkook desperately wanting to get out of the storm of these crazy pigeons looking like they were trying to feed on the last piece of bread. While pushing each other like their lives depended on it, they were taking turns into pleading Jungkook to be their project partner. Obviously, the project being the last thing in their scale of priorities. Jungkook, finally, managed to untangle himself from their grip.
"Sorry to disappoint you all, but I already have a project partner." I was totally oblivious, looking at my notes when I felt Jungkook take a hold of my arm and push me into a corner. With a sense of desperation, he whispered something I couldn't make out.
"Save me!" He was staring me straight in the eyes, trying to communicate something.
"What?!" I couldn't understand. He closed the distance between us, and this time, he was more specific.
"Be my project partner. You're gonna need one, anyway." I looked at him in disbelief.
"Why me?!" I stared at him.
"You're the only one that's not trying to get into my pants. I'm gonna need a chastity belt if I end up being paired with one of them. Have you seen them?!" He was tilting his head, gesturing towards them. I couldn't help but laugh at his expression. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought the guy was totally helpless.
"Well, all right. But, you owe me one, Jeon!" I answered him.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you..." He was holding his hands together as in a praying gesture
He was adorable and so hard to tell no to, damn him!
"But, you need to leave my arm." I gestured at his hand, holding me still.
"If I keep being seen around you, they'll eventually ask for my head to get decapitated in the public square." I replied sarcastically, giving him a side look.
"I'll vouch for you, Milady." He sighed dramatically, placing a hand on his heart.
"Your generosity knows no boundaries, Sir. By the way, they're looking at me, I may have to take upon your offer very soon." I bowed to him, continuing whatever little play we had put on.
"Since you saved my life, Milady, you can keep calling me Sir." He raised one eyebrow, playfully.
"Ughh, that's what I get in return for saving your ass!" I replied, feigning hurt.
"What an inappropriate vocabulary for a semi honorable lady, like yourself." He was shaking his head in disapproval.
"Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm no lady!"
"Surely, not with that mouth." He replied.
While trying to take a book out of the bag, wanting to hit him with it, my phone slipped from my hands. Jungkook bent over to catch it. He was running down the stairs with the phone in his hands while rummaging through it, God knows doing what and I ran after him, trying to catch him but he anticipated my intentions and threw the phone in the air before I could reach him.
"Jeon, if I catch you..." He had left the classroom's door open for me to get out.
"If you catch him, what then?!" I got out of the classroom to chase him down, but, to my surprise, I was faced with an unamused Namjoon. Jungkook was right behind him, with arms crossed, not helping my cause, at all. At one point, he took pity on me cause, after a few seconds, he jumped in, wanting to get me out of the situation.
"Hyung, sorry, it's all my fault. I pissed her off. I shouldn't have." I saw Namjoon's whole body turn slowly towards him. Oh, boy!
"If you don't mind, I was asking my girlfriend." He stressed the last word. Jungkook raised his palms and then added.
"Well, I better get going then. I'll leave you two love birds sort things out." He fixed the backpack on his shoulder and turned to leave but not before adding.
"Ah, Y/n, text me whenever you want, and we'll settle a day for the project." My brain had zeroed out. I looked over at him and just nodded but didn't say a word.
"Text who what now?! And, what project is he talking about?" Namjoon asked, more like panicked. His eyes wider, raised in question.
"A course project. He's my partner." I answered dryly, feeling flustered by the whole third-degree interrogation. Namjoon rolled his shoulders and turned his head left and right, making me hear a crack sound. I knew he was trying to keep calm, but I still couldn't understand why he was so upset. The lack of trust from his part was really sending me.
"Joonie, don't you trust me?!" I lowered my voice, trying to be the bigger person and find a way to reach to him.
"Of course I do. It's him I don't trust." He pointed at the direction in which Jungkook had just walked away before continuing.
"He always has that superiority smug on his face whenever he's around me. If I could, I would punch him right through it, but Tae would never forgive me. For some reason, he's so hung up on Jungkook." I pinched his cheeks, smiling.
"I can't figure out if you're jealous of me or Taehyung?" My words must have hit a nerve because in that exact moment, his face fell a bit.
"Both! First, he tries to take Tae away from me. And now, this." He pointed at me and the place previously occupied by Jungkook.
"No one will take me away from you, Joonie." I stood up on my tip toes in order to reach his lips. He met me halfway and bent over a little, placing small pecks over them.
"Promise?" He asked, speaking over my lips.
"Promise." I answered, pulling him into a hug. I was lost in the moment when I heard a beep coming from my pants' pocket. It was a text message.
"Awww... look at you, you made up. JK"

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