chapter 39

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JK pov

Every time my car stopped before the company building, I kept wondering if I would ever get used to the feeling of entering my father's office and not find him there anymore. Along with every problem, I had also inherited something good. My father's old secretary, Mrs. Cha, was now working for me. She had been more helpful than any other person who was supposed to have a greater knowledge about the company. After my father got sick, everyone but her slacked off. She was the only one I could fully trust right now.
"Sir, the person you were waiting for is here." She said as she walked in after knocking.
"Let them in." Before leaving, she proceeded to let in the investor I was waiting for.
"Welcome, Mr. Jung. Nice to meet you." I extended my hand.
"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Jeon." He shook my hand and gave me a reassuring smile. After I invited him to sit down, he added.
"I'm afraid I have to get straight to the point since I'm here on behalf of someone else." After he told me this, he proceeded to open his bag and take out a business card. He urged me to take it as he extended it to me. It had the name of the restaurant on it. I flipped it around, and there was only written the date and the hour. Mr. Jung had been observing my behavior the entire time and noticing my perplexed face, he added.
"It's from the people I work for. They have arranged a private meeting, away from prying eyes. Sorry, I had to break you the news like this, but I had specific instructions. I'm afraid I can't tell you more." Then, he got up, and after bowing to me, he left. I sat back on my chair, staring at the card, trying to figure out what had just happened.

Y/n pov

I bought the pregnancy test and went back to the coffeehouse bathroom. I didn't want to risk it using it at home, fearing someone might check the trash. While waiting for the result to pop in, every kind of scenario went through my mind. What would I do if I was really pregnant?! How would Jungkook react about it?! Right now, a baby was out of the question, for both of us. When I heard the phone timer beep, my heart jumped. Negative! Oh, thank God, I thought to myself as I sighed in relief. After adjusting myself, I left hurriedly, having missed the first part of the lesson. I still couldn't get rid of this constant feeling of nausea, though. I brushed it off as a stomach virus, feeling comforted by the fact that the test came out negative and I went on with my day.
I almost felt asleep once or twice during the lecture. I couldn't wait to go home and lay down. When I arrived, I spotted Jungkook's car in front of the house. I went straight to the bedroom and saw him laying on the top of the bed, still fully dressed in his office attire. When he saw me, he just smiled and patted the spot next to him so I could join him in bed. I cuddled next to him, feeling the warmth emanating from his body. We stayed like that for a while, not saying anything. Most likely, he had another bad day at the office, and I didn't want to add to it. He was the first to break the silence.
"How was your day, baby? Sorry I didn't get the chance to text you. I had a very weird encounter this morning. I couldn't wait to get home and see you." He straightened his arm so I could lay my head on it. He kept holding me tighter than usual, afraid that I might slip away.
"I couldn't wait to get home to you, too. I missed you a little more than usual today. Now that you're obliged to miss some lectures, I feel completely alone." I pouted.
"How was your day? How did it go with the investors?" I asked, afraid to hear the answer.
"Something weird happened today. I was waiting for the investors, but someone else working for them showed up, instead. He gave me a restaurant's business card and told me the investors would meet me there. Behind it was only written the date and the hour, nothing else. He said the investors wanted to meet away from prying eyes." He sighed, still wondering about this morning.
"That's a bit weird, I have to admit it, but it's not like it hasn't ever happened, I guess." I tried to reassure him.
"Well, I'll find out this Saturday, anyway." He brushed it off as he tried to get up under a lot of whining on my part.
"Are you feeling better?" He asked. "Your stomach ache, I mean." He added, making me understand better.
"Oh, yeah. Much better. I need to arrange a better sleeping and eating schedule, I guess." I smiled at him as I got up from the bed, reaching for his lips.

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