chapter 28

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Y/n pov

"Heyyy...Dinner is...served! What the..."
Jimin's eyes fell out of the sockets. He was just standing there, frozen on the spot, until Jungkook finally managed to find the speech.
"Dude, what the fuck! Get out and close the damn door!!!" Jungkook yelled at him. Then, he took the bathrobe and put it on me. Soon after, we followed Jimin out of the bathroom.
"Don't you ever knock?!" Jungkook was furious. Jimin, while looking at him, was still trying to process the scene from a couple of minutes ago.
"I can't believe this!" Jimin ran his hands through his hair, several times.
"I fucking did knock but, no one answered. Now, I know why." He pointed the finger at the two of us, then added.
"I thought you had fallen asleep because I knocked twice and, since you didn't answer, I opened the door. It was dark, except for the light coming from the crack of the bathroom door. I heard the water stop and I thought you didn't hear me because of the running water." Even if we were both in our bathrobes, I was still hidding behind Jungkook.
"Y/n, you can come out, you know. I just saw you naked with his dick in your mouth. What's more to see?!" He tilted his head, so he could look at me. I gasped at his impudence. Jungkook was about to hit him in the head but Jimin jumped back, out of arm's reach.
"If you don't get that image out of your head, I'll make you. And, it's not gonna be pleasant." Angry Jungkook was turning me on, again. He was even hotter, if such thing were even possible.
"Y/n, stop gawking at him already and go get dressed, before anyone else decides to come in here." Jungkook nodded at me and patted my back. I went back to my room, to put some clothes on.

JK pov

"Unless you wanna make it up for walking in into us having sex, I invite you to leave. I need to get...presentable. Or, just stay, whatever. You've already seen it all, anyway." I poured me some water. I was dehydrated.
"Uhmmm...sorry, your Highness, for spoiling your evening." I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm.
"Have you both lost your minds?!" Jimin snapped, still incredulous, memeing a head explosion.
"At least, lock the damn door!" He pointed at the bedroom door, gesturing the lock.
"Just forget what you saw, okay?" I said.
"And, it's US what..." He was struggling to put together a complete sentence. After thinking for a few seconds, he asked.
"How long has this been going on?" He asked, moving his finger in the air, indicating the two of us.
"For a while, now." I answered, throwing myself on the armchair that was standing at the end of the bed.
"Of all the girls you could have, did it have to be her?! Was it because she was unavailable?!" He asked, moving his hands on the hips.
"No, it was because it was her. I wanted her from the first moment I laid my eyes on her. Then, I got to know her and she was even more perfect. She's beautiful, smart, funny." I laid my head on the armchair's headrest and closed my eyes. Getting a third degree after having sex was not on my list of things to try at least once before you die.
"But, SHE..." He emphasized the word 'she'. "Already has a boyfriend. Sorry to remind you of this. He'll get back soon and she'll go back to him. I hope you know that." He crossed his arms, waiting for my response, seeing that I was totally ignoring his warnings.
"Uhm, I wouldn't be so sure, if I were you." Unwillingly, I lifted one eyelid, in order to look at him. Jimin shook his head and, before closing the door on his way out, giving me the back, added.
"Things are going to get messy, very soon, very fast." I got up, got dressed and headed downstairs, to join the others in the living room. The table was already set and everyone had just started eating. I took a look around and noticed that, everyone was being rather tight-lipped, especially Taehyung. He kept avoiding staring at Y/n and me, during all the meal course.

Y/n pov

After we cleared the table and washed the dishes, I just needed a change of air.
"I'm going for a walk." I exclaimed, out of nowhere. Everyone turned around to look at me like I just said a heresy.
"At this hour?!" Jin talked first.
"What's wrong with this hour?!" I shrugged.
"Let one of us keep you company, at least." It was Jin talking, again. Jungkook didn't even attempt to propose himself.
"I will be going with you. I kinda need the fresh air, too. My head is exploding." Jimin stared at me, narrowing his eyes.
"Let's go then. We won't take long, bye." I said while walking away. Everyone but Taehyung, waved and got back at doing their own thing. We walked for a while, without uttering a single word, just enjoying fresh air. When we were at a safe distance, Jimin hit my arm, several times.
"Ouch..." I said, turning to look at him.
"Are you crazy?! What were you thinking?!" He slapped my arm one last time, giving me the "huh" stare.
"I wasn't, okay?!" I admitted, innocently.
"Well, clearly not!" He was so done with me, judging from the tone of his voice.
"Now, spill!" He dragged me by the arm and made me sit to the nearest suitable rocks.
"What?! Are you crazy?!" I shook my head.
"You either spill or I'm telling everyone what I saw." He threatened me.
"You wouldn't!" I narrowed my eyes, getting dangerously close to him.
"Try me!" He raised an eyebrow while twisting his lips and stepped back so he could have a clear view.
"'re such a perv, I swear. What do you care about my sex life, anyway." I said, annoyed by his prying.
"Who else would you tell to, anyway. Tae? Jin? Come on. As much as they're your friends, they're his brothers, first. And you know that." When I thought he was done making his point, he added.
"Besides your sister, it's not like you have any girl friends you could share these stuff with. Every girl in uni hates your guts. You have, two of the most handsome and rich guys in the whole country, on your beck and call. I'd hate your guts, too." He moved closer, so he could sit beside me. Then, patting my back, pouted his lips.
"Jee...thanks!" I scoffed at him.
"You're welcome, sweetie. Now spill!" As soon as I started to open my mouth, he stopped me.
"No, wait! First of all, how much do you like him?" He asked. I started whining and laid my head on his shoulder.
"When it comes to him, I'm brain impaired, Jiminie. He says jump and I ask how high. I'm completely done for." I looked at my feet, moving them nervously, up and down.
"Oh, boy. This is worse than I thought. I thought you were just fucking around." He patted my head.
"This is new to me, too. I never felt this way. I feel different when I'm with him like, I could do anything. He's bringing out a part of me I didn't even know I had. A part of me that scares and excites me, at the same time. It feels like I've been his my whole life. Consequences be damned." Jimin was listening to me but, looking away at the night sky. He was trying to take in all the information.
"What are you going to do now? It's not like you can keep going on like this. Namjoon doesn't deserve it. But, I'm sure you already know this." He said, this time, looking at me straight in the eyes.
"Don't you think I feel like the worst person ever?! And, to whom?! To Namjoon, of all people. I cheated, lied and on top of that, I have been a coward, this whole time. I didn't have the guts to tell him I had feelings for another man." I tried to explain myself as much as I could, trying not to trip over my own words.
"Wow. I can only imagine how hard that's gonna be for you. We all thought you would end up getting married, one day." My head was still on his shoulder and he put an arm over mine, holding me tight.
"So did I, Jiminie." I wiped my eyes, mourning my lost love.
"It feels like him and I were so long ago when, it has hardly been a couple of months. How did things change so fast?! I can barely remember us?! I can't even explain how it happened." I took Jimin's arm, holding tight on to it. In that moment, I just needed to be comforted.
We talked a lot while walking back to the chalet and it actually felt so freeing. Jimin truly tried to understand me, without being judgemental.
"You're finally back. I thought we lost you for good." Taehyung exclaimed, as soon as he saw us walk through the door.
"We lost track of time." Jimin jumped in saying, as soon as he walked in behind me.
"I see." He said, his face emotionless. My eyes were looking around for Jungkook.
"He is in his room, if that's what you're looking for." He scoffed at me and shook his head, in incredulity.
"I didn't even open my mouth." Taehyung was getting on my last nerve and it wasn't even his fault. The two of us, have been on the outs since karaoke night.
"You don't have to." He said, without even looking my way.
"Tae, is there something you want to talk to me about?! You've been like this for quite some time. I kept silent thinking it will pass but, apparently, not." I scolded him.
"Is there something YOU need to talk to me about?!" He crossed his arms, standing in front of me.
"No, there's nothing I want to talk about." I kept staring around, everywhere but him.
"Coward! You can't even look me in the eye, for God's sake." He shook his head and waved his hands in the air, only to lower them down. Right then, I saw Jungkook coming down the stairs. He furrowed his brows, probably catching on the atmosphere that lingered on between Taehyung and me.
"At least, have the decency to fuck each other when no one is around." He pointed at both of us.
"Did you have to go behind his back, like this?!" I expected him to lash out at me, soon or later but, I was still taken aback.
"I didn't mean to. I hadn't planned on it, for crying out loud, Tae!" I screamed my lungs. Jungkook came running to me. He put himself in front of me, trying to take the heat.
"It's not her fault. It's me who pursued her, in the first place. Don't blame her, blame me, okay?!" He was holding Taehyung by the shoulders, trying to make him look his way but Taehyung's eyes were still on me. Then, he moved his eyes from me to him.
"Yeah, it's your fault, too. You had to go after her, did you?! If you want something you gotta have it, huh?! One way or the other, no matter who gets hurt in the process." He scoffed at Jungkook, pushing his hands away. In that moment, I saw Jin and Jimin come running downstairs.
"What's going on, here?" Jin asked, to all of us but, his main focus was on Taehyung.
"Why don't you ask Lady Chatterley here, and her lover?" He laughed, mockingly.
"Don't you think you're exaggerating a tad much, Tae?!" Jin reprimanded him.
"I'm the exaggerated one now, yeah?! You saw what state Joonie was in, don't you lie to me." Taehyung's eyes were dark with anger and his eyes were on the verge of crying.
"I know, Tae, but we can't do anything about it. It's between the three of them, now." He was trying to reason with Taehyung but to no avail.
"She could have told him she didn't want to be with him, anymore. She could have waited and told him in person but, no. She didn't care about anyone's feelings. She couldn't keep it in her pants." My eyes were getting watery. I would have never thought I'd hear those harsh words coming out of Taehyung's mouth. I couldn't argue with his reasoning as he was totally right.
"Before he left, he asked me to look out after her, so she wouldn't feel lonely. Me, not you, me!" He yelled at Jin, as if it was his own fault things went downhill between us. Jimin, on the other hand, was seating on the couch, holding a pillow over his face. Jungkook had moved behind me, holding my arms.
"I told you, it was my fault. Why are you taking it out on her?! Take it out on me. It was all me." He raised his voice at Taehyung, trying to divert the attention to himself, once again.
"You'll be next, don't worry. I thought that, after what you went through, you wouldn't want to go over it, again." It's like they were having a coded conversation, cause Jin and I, were looking so puzzled, at them. Jimin was unfased, though, which made me think, he must know something, too.
"I pursued her from the moment I laid eyes on her, morals be damned. I didn't care she had a boyfriend. I would have left no stone unturned, in order to have her." Jungkook went in full protection mode now. Taehyung shook his head, pushing him away by cupping his shoulder.
"Every river has two banks, Jungkook. If she weren't in for it, nothing would have happened." Taehyung said, pressing his lips into a thin line.
"Would you please stop judging me for a second and actually listen to me?!" I pleaded with him. He moved his hand, flowing it, inviting me to continue.
"I thought it was just a crush, and that it would go away. The more I tried to shake him off, the more he got under my skin. I couldn't help but fall for him like a stupid school girl!" Silence enveloped the room, all of a sudden. Jungkook hands froze in place. I couldn't dare turn around. We would have stayed like that, if it weren't for the voice behind us saying.
"Ahem... Am I interrupting something?"

all cards on the table, you guys
someone got back bearing "gifts"

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