chapter 42

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Y/n pov

Namjoon drove me home after I had gathered a bit of self- conscience. He didn't look at me, not even once during our ride back. When we reached our destination, he finally saw fit to speak to me.
"I'll text you in the morning. Get your documents ready if you still want to get married. I'll come get you." I didn't know what to say. My mouth was left hanging open. Then, he got out of the car and walked to my side door and opened it for me. He walked me to my front door and even rang the bell while holding me, scared I might fall down. I was still half dead, hanging on his arm when we reached my apartment door. I was relieved to see my sister open the door. My dad would have thrown a fit, to say the least, if he had seen me in this condition. After he basically threw me in my sister's arms, he said.
"See you tomorrow, Y/n. Bye, Min Ha!" He waved at her as he walked away to take the stairs.
"What happened? Gosh, you reak like a drunkard!" My sister exclaimed. Just by taking a quick look at her expression, I could tell that she was so done with me.
"Nothing. We just talked." I answered as I was trying to hold myself straight. I had to lean on the hallway wall a couple of times until I made it to my bedroom.
"Did you tell him you're leaving?" I shook my head as I threw myself on the bed.
"I'm not leaving, I think." I said as I was struggling to undress myself in a laying position. I could barely keep my eyes open.
"Come here." My sister shook her head as she helped me get up so she could undress me, just like she used to do when I was little.
"Min Ha?!" I murmured in a barely audible voice.
"Yes, Y/n, what is it?" She asked as she was trying to make me wear my night t-shirt. I couldn't sit straight for the life of it.
"I wanna see Kookie. Call him, please! Call him now!!! Tell him I'll stay with him on his condition. Tell him I'll do anything, damn him! I want him back! I can't do this alone." I fell on my sister's arms, and she held me tight as I poured my eyes out. I started crying out loud. She stroked my hair, trying to make me stop.
"No, I'm not gonna call him, okay?! And neither will you. You need to stay away from him. And, you need to leave this city, do you hear me?! It's for your own good." I must have fallen asleep during our conversation because I woke up and I was in bed, inside the covers. As I tried to get up, my head started spinning.
"Gosh, I shouldn't have drank so much last night." I thought to myself, and I shrugged from the headache when I heard a loud beep on my phone. It was Namjoon.
"I'll come get you in an hour. I hope you're sober!" I threw the phone on my bed and went to wash my face. Within less than an hour, I made myself somehow presentable. Namjoon was already waiting for me outside the car.
"You look better this morning. You look alive, at least." He said as he opened the car door for me. On the other hand, I just gave him the side eye, without answering. I still had a pounding headache.
"We have to go register the wedding. I'm asking again, are you sure you want to do this?" I jumped on my seat.
"How did you manage to get a spot so fast?" I exclaimed.
"I have my ways. We'll have to wait a couple of hours, though. That is until they call us. But that's not what I asked?" He insisted again.
"If you're having cold feet, you better say it now." He turned his head and got close to my face, trying to scrutinize me.
"No, let's do this!" I looked away, not wanting to let him know that, now that I was sober, I had my doubts I was doing the right thing. I held my bag closer for comfort.
We arrived at the city hall and sat down in front of the office, waiting for them to call us. The embarrassment hanging in between us was pretty tangible. We just sat there, none of us talking to the other. From the outside, we looked like one of those couples that, for some reason, had decided to have a marriage of convenience. I started laughing all by myself, thinking about this surreal situation. Namjoon was staring at me as if he was questioning my sanity.
"I feel like we're in one of those kdramas and decided to have one of those fake marriages." I brushed the discussion aside, knowing I said something stupid, considering the situation.
"Except for the fact that the bride is in love with someone else and we won't get our happy ending." His serious face brought me back to reality. I coughed it out, and we didn't utter a single word until an employee from the office called us inside. We signed the paperwork in silence. After we were done, the employee announced.
"The wedding is in two days." We thanked him and got out of there. Namjoon drove me back home. His mood had utterly deteriorated since this morning. He looked like he was angry.
"Joonie, are you okay?" I asked concerned but also, trying to make small talk.
"I'm fine!" It was all he answered back, his eyes on the road. Thankfully, the ride back home was pretty quick, and this suffocating tension would end soon.
"I'll call you, okay?" He said as soon as we arrived. He even tried to put on a good face, masking his tension. I just nodded and headed back home.

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