chapter 8

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Y/n pov

"Joonie, why are you telling me all of this?! It's something that doesn't concern me. It hasn't for a long time." I tried to brush it off thinking Namjoon wouldn't want to continue with this conversation.
"Awww... you're cute even when you lie through your teeth." He pinched my cheek. Stop lying to yourself and talk to him. Now, if you excuse me, I have to catch up with lots of boring people. You know how these things are." He winked at me before getting lost into the crowd.
I raised my head and saw Jungkook staring at me like a hawk. I saw his knuckles had turned white from how tightly he was closing his fists. He didn't like my "fraternizing" with Namjoon, just like the old times. But, after all that Namjoon had told me, it ignited some hope in me, like the fool that I am. I needed to collect my thoughts and get a dose of fresh air. I couldn't think straight with him staring at me like that.
I told Jane I was going to the rooftop to get some fresh air, so she didn't need to worry. She didn't ask me anything, she understood.

JK pov

I saw her leave the venue. I hated that everyone but me got to be close to her and talk to her. I knew I shouldn't follow her, but I couldn't stop myself, and so I followed her promptly through the corridor like a lost puppy. I saw the elevator numbers go up to the last floor. Rooftop!
There she was, with her eyes closed, enjoying fresh air. I approached her slowly. I don't know if she heard me, but even if she did, she didn't move an inch.
"I've been dying to hug you all evening." I said, breathing slightly into her ear. Her perfume, mixed with the natural scent of her skin, was so intoxicating, and I was already addicted. I felt my arousal grow impatient.
"Kookie, please, someone might come in here." She was trying so hard to resist me.
"It feels so good hearing my name coming out of your lips."
I moved her hair out of the way and rested my forehead on the back of her neck, wanting to take in all of her scent. Even if I died right now, I would be the happiest man on earth, I thought to myself.
"Kookie..." She said in a faint voice, neither denying me nor giving me her blessing. She was clearly fighting with her inner demons.
"Please, baby, just a hug. I need to hold you in my arms again, even if it's just for a moment. I need to remember how it is to feel alive again." I run my lips all over her shoulder, barely making contact.
"Please, Kookie, don't call me that. You're not helping me like this." She said, still not turning around to face me. I had her trapped between my arms and the railing.
"Kookie..." She started to say before we got interrupted by a loud thud coming from the rooftop door. Damn it, Jane, you and your wrong timing. Y/n felt uneasy when she saw her.
"Sorry to interrupt, but Y/n, I need to talk to you. It's a bit urgent." Y/n was getting alarmed.
"Jane, what happened?" She asked as she grabbed Jane's arm.
"Hmmm... your sister called, and apparently, there's been a bit of a family emergency." She was talking in a very low voice, barely audible, but I managed to hear everything.
"You need to go to the hospital." I saw Y/n's face turn white. I detected an emotion that I had never seen before. It wasn't concern; it was something more deep like sheer panic. I intervened, wanting to help.
"Y/n, come with me. We'll take my car and we'll get there in no time." I was trying to reassure her.
"No need, Jungkook, thank you. This is a family matter." Her tone of voice completely changed from two minutes ago. I saw her and Jane disappear through the door. That last phrase broke my insides.
I got back to the venue, trying to find out what had happened. I was looking for her, but, instead, I found Taehyung waiting for me.
"Tae, did you see Y/n?" I asked him, my eyes still wandering around for her.
"Yeah, she and Jane left in a hurry, just a moment ago. I heard Namjoon say he would accompany them to the hospital."
At the mention of his name, I got so angry the only color I could see was black.

Y/n pov

"Jane, what happened exactly?" I asked her, trying to calm myself down.
"Jung Hee had a bit of fever before you got out of the house, but Min Ha asked me not to tell you anything so you wouldn't worry. She said she would handle it. I told her to call me and keep me updated if anything happened." Jane explained briefly.
"I'm going to kill her, I swear. She should have told me; I'm his mother, for heaven's sake." My heart was still beating fast from the tension.
"If she had told you, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have come here tonight." Jane said.
"Well, obviously!" My head was fuming, but I needed to calm down. Otherwise, Namjoon would suspect that the one being sick was not my father.
"Jane, please, not a word to anyone, and if someone asks, tell them my father didn't feel very well." She nodded promptly.
We finally made it to the hospital. Namjoon, after parking his car, came running back to us.
"Joonie, thank you so much, and sorry for keeping you here. You can go back to the venue. I'll handle it here, don't worry. Plus, I have Jane with me." I really hoped he didn't insist on staying. I didn't want him to learn about Jung Hee.
"I really don't care about the whole damn party. I'm staying here, in case you need anything." He kept insisting.
"Joonie, really, it's fine. Don't worry." After I finally convinced him to leave,
I managed to find the hospital room. I saw my sister near the hospital bed, keeping Jung Hee company.
"Hey, baby. How are you, bunny?" I felt so guilty for leaving him alone, and now he ended up in a hospital bed.
"Hi, Mommy." He said in a very mushy voice and opened his arms.
"Bear hug, pwease." Apparently, it was "Jeons wanna hug" evening event. I wrapped him so tightly that now he was trying to get himself free.
"Min Ha, what did the doctor say?!" I asked her, now a bit more calm knowing he was okay.
"Y/n, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you before. I feel so bad about it." She was about to cry, and I brushed it off, reassuring her that, when you have a kid, these things happen.
"He said it's probably due to the sudden weather change and tiredness. He said we're good to go, as long as we keep an eye on him. And, if there's a problem, to call him at any hour." She was smiling and clapping while staring at Jung Hee.

Author pov

Namjoon decided to wait outside, in case Y/n needed him. And, he really didn't want to go back to the venue. He was in no mood to talk to anyone. While sitting inside his car, he saw three feminine figures and a small child getting out of the hospital entrance. He furrowed his brows in confusion. He got out of his car and hurried up to meet Y/n.
She didn't see him until he was right in front of them.
"Y/n, what's going on?!"

Y/n pov

I didn't expect to see Namjoon right in front of me. I was so sure he had left. I felt completely frozen, and so did both Jane and Min Ha. Probably, they were just as shocked to see him. I wanted to say something, but I got interrupted by a tiny voice coming from behind me.
"Mommy, who is this mister?" While pulling my dress so I could pay attention at him. Namjoon was lost for words as soon as he heard "Mommy" and kept looking from me to him.
"Uhm, baby, this is Namjoon. He's a friend of mommy's. Say hi to him." He waved his cute little hand and gave him his bunny smile and bowed.
"Hi, my name is Jung Hee. Pweased to meet you." I saw Namjoon get on his knees to meet Jung Hee at eye level.
"Hi, handsome. Nice to meet you, too. You can call me Joonie hyung." He smiled at Jung Hee and raised his eyes to look back at me. He didn't need to say anything for me to understand that I had to give him some kind of explanation.
"Uhhh...Min Ha'ya, you go ahead. I'll arrive shortly." She nodded her head. He patted Jung Hee's head before seeing him off.
As soon as they left, Namjoon turned around to speak to me.
"So?! I'm not even going to ask whose child it is because it has his name written all over his face." I was in an emotional rollercoaster at the moment. He saw my distress but couldn't hold himself back.
"What were you thinking?! He is really gonna hate you for this. Omg, I can't even process it." He slammed his forehead with his hand.
"Joonie, listen, please. He won't hate me because he doesn't have to know." He looked at me flabbergasted.
"Are you even listening to yourself right now?! I's not like you hid his favorite toy. It's his child we're talking about!" He grabbed my shoulder and shook me a bit.
"And he's a married man!" I rebuked back at his words.
"Oh, come on, you know it's an excuse." He answered back with the same verve I had put into my words.
"I'm asking you, please, don't say anything to anyone. I'm begging you." I closed my eyes as I sighed.
"Y/n'ya, even if you're wrong, and you are, it's not my secret to tell, but let me give you a piece of advice, tell him before it's too late because you will regret it one day."
I was just standing there without moving, and I realized I was crying only when I felt Namjoon brushing his finger over my cheek.
"Now let's get you home. That little guy just got out of the hospital." He patted my back and gave me his dimply smile.
For some reason, I felt relieved I told Namjoon about Jung Hee. But now another thought terrorized me. I was really afraid that, if or when I told Kookie, he might really hate me.

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