chapter 40

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JK pov

"Namjoon, help me, please." I said as I lowered my head.
"Help you with what exactly?! Clean up your own mess, Jeon!" My words must have sounded ridiculous to him.
"I'm not asking for me. I'm asking for Y/n."
"Ughhhhh... Weren't you the ones parading your love in front of everyone?! Weren't you the one who wanted to give up everything for her?!" He grinded his teeth.
"Even if I give up the company, and I would, believe me; I'm afraid Yoongi would never accept on these terms. He's keeping too many axes over my head." I hated that he was accusing me on giving up on her when I'd rather give up on myself.
"You need a permanent solution, but I'm afraid it's gonna take a long time. I know you don't wanna hear this, but you have to break up with her." He said nonchalantly as he checked out the time on his phone.
"This is your solution?! God, I knew it. You couldn't wait to say this, could you?!" I pointed my finger at him.
"See, we can't have a normal conversation without you accusing me of something. You have to break up with her anyway." He scoffed at me, stating the obvious.
"I'll never break up with her!" I got on my feet, but he didn't move an inch. He just kept staring at me from his seat.
"If you think Y/n will accept the situation without batting an eye, then you have never known her." He raised an eyebrow challengingly.
"I know you take pride in knowing her better than I do, but I her too, either you like it or not. I'm about to tell the woman I love that I have to marry another woman. How do you think this makes me feel?!" I kept raising my voice, and he just sighed.
"Maybe you needed a friend tonight, not me. Why didn't you call Taehyung or Jimin?!" He asked.
"Because I needed to talk to someone who cared about Y/n as much as I did. I know you still love her. You're not fooling anyone, Namjoon." Now it was my turn to scoff at him.
"I never said I didn't. But I still don't understand why should I be the one helping you two." He was still trying to keep the outer cool facade under the pretense of carelessness.
"Because you want her to be happy, and you don't wanna see her get hurt, just like I do." I retorted back at him, stating the obvious.
"I would have never hurt her." He answered as he held my gaze.
"I know." I replied swiftly.
"It sucks to be you." He sounded sincere.
"Thanks." I gave him the side eye without putting a real effort this time. I was too exhausted to put on a fight tonight.
"Let me call a driver so you can go home." I nodded. For the first time, I was thankful for Namjoon's presence.

Y/n pov

I hadn't heard him get in. I was half asleep when I opened my eyes.
"Kookie?!" I caught him looking out of the window. He was completely naked. His body was illuminated only by the moonlight.
"Hi, baby." He turned around and smiled at me.
"When did you get home?" I smiled back.
"Not very long ago." He answered.
"Why didn't you wake me up, then?" I pouted, disappointed that he didn't get in bed straight away.
"You were sleeping so peacefully. I could have watched you all night." He smiled.
"I waited for you, but then I fell asleep. Come to bed, don't just stand there." I lifted my arms and opened them to welcome him.
"How did the dinner go?" I heard him sigh but then said.
"I don't want to talk about it tonight. I don't want to ruin the rest of the evening. I'll tell you tomorrow because things got pretty complicated." I could tell he wasn't at ease by the tone of his voice.
"Are you still feeling sleepy?!" He asked as he got near me.
"No, why?!" I answered sheepishly.
"Cause I have something in mind. I couldn't wait to get home to tell you." I wanted to laugh, but I decided to tease him instead.
"Oh, yeah?! What is it?" He smirked.
"It's probably best if I show you." He got under the covers and started to get down on me.
"You reak of alcohol." I made a face at him, but he looked unbothered.
"So you won't mind if I drink a bit of you too then." He winked at me.
"You're terrible!" I laughed out loud as he started to tickle me.
The next morning, even if I woke up early, I missed Jungkook leaving for work. It was so unlike him not to kiss me goodbye or leave without a note. Yesterday's meeting must have gone pretty badly, I thought to myself. During my lunch break, I received a text. "I hope you can make it home earlier today. I really need to talk to you." My anxiety started to skyrocket. I skipped the late afternoon lesson and headed back home. I really didn't know what to think. Honestly, I didn't want to think. When I got home, he had already arrived.
"Let's go upstairs." He said as soon as he saw me. I followed him without uttering a word. The tension in the air was palpable.
"Kookie?!" I said as I noticed that he was avoiding my gaze.
"Please, sit down. I don't know where to even start. This already feels like a nightmare." He closed his eyes.
"What happened?! Why are you behaving like this?! You know you can tell me anything, right?!" I ran my fingers through his hair like I always did when he was tired. It made him relax.
"Hold on to that thought." He chuckled nervously.
"It's about yesterday's meeting?" He nodded.
"Jungkook, just spill it out already. You're making me nervous." After settling himself in front of me, he took my hands in his.
"You're scaring me." I said, now in full panic mode.
"I just need you to listen until the end, okay?! I don't think I'll be able to do this more than once. I've been trying to muster some courage since last night. This is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life." I tried not to interrupt him, but his words weren't reassuring me at all. If nothing else, they were the harbinger that something bleak was about to happen. He told me everything. His was cold and detached, as if telling someone else's story. I think he couldn't help himself, but be that way, for it was the only way for him not to have a breakdown as he spoke. He kept looking at me, trying to detect some kind of reaction. After he was done talking, we stayed in silence. He clearly was waiting for me to say something.
"I hope you don't expect me to agree on any of that, do you?!" His gaze fixed on mine, but he didn't reply immediately.
"I'm not asking to agree on anything. I'm just telling you the situation as it is. Don't I deserve a little bit of comprehension?! Am I not human to you, people?!" He raised his voice. But he wasn't yelling at me. He was just frustrated by the situation.
"Did you expect me to accept first thing?! No, because by your reaction to it, I think this is what you were expecting. Sorry I disappointed you." I answered coldly.
"Y/n, please, stop it. It's enough that I got the Mins on my neck. I don't need you, either." He retorted back when he realized I had started to put up a wall.
"I'm on your neck?! Oh, okay then. I'll just get out of your hair so you can be free to marry whoever you want." I couldn't hold myself back.
"The only one I want to marry is you. That has never been the question here." His expression softened a bit as he tried to convince me.
"Can't we go to the police or somewhere?" I asked.
"Really?! Don't you think I have thought about that. It won't solve anything. I need a permanent solution." He sighed as he walked up and down the room.
"And, in the meantime, you have to do Yoongi's bidding, right?! Go along with whatever he asked of you. That's totally nuts!" He didn't say anything. There was nothing left to say.

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