chapter 44

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Y/n pov

"Jesus Christ, Kookie! What were you thinking?!" I cupped my head with both hands as I turned towards Jungkook.
"He wasn't!" Namjoon spoke on behalf of Jungkook, sounding like he was trying to justify him.
Right then, I saw Taehyung and Jane run towards us. They were alone. I think my knees gave up not seeing Jung Hee with them. Jungkook, seeing the same scene, started running towards them.
"We can't find Jung Hee. He untangled himself for a second, and then, he was gone." I heard Taehyung say from afar.
"What do you mean he is gone?! How can two adults lose a five year old child?! Where the hell is my son?" Jungkook had totally lost it. He had grabbed Taehyung by the t-shirt and would have thrown hands at him if Namjoon hadn't stopped him.
"Taehyung, please, get yourself together and explain everything." Jane, in the meantime, was on a breakdown.
"I swear, Joonie, we never took eyes off of him, even for a second. He insisted on having ice cream when he saw the truck on the other side of the street. I told him to wait for Jungkook, but he started throwing a tantrum. Suddenly, he untangled himself from us and ran away. We tried to cross the street, but cars wouldn't slow down. After a few moments, we were finally able to cross, and he was gone. We asked everyone, even the ice cream truck seller, but no one had seen him. It's like he vanished into thin air." He tried to recall everything, managing to not crack down after every word.
"He would have never ran away without telling anyone. I've taught him never to get away from my sight." I managed to say through the sobbing. Jungkook was holding me by his side as he kept his death stare on Taehyung. He then exclaimed through his teeth.
"If you don't bring my son back, you better not show up in front of me again. Both of you!" He pointed his finger at the two of them. I had never seen Jungkook so cold towards Taehyung, ever. Even if I were in a state of desperation myself, my heart broke for him.
"Y/n, I... " He addressed me, keeping his head down. He wasn't able to look me in the eye. Namjoon, in the meantime, was on the phone with the police.
"Baby, calm down, please. We'll find him. I promise you." I couldn't stop crying. I would have gone crazy if Jungkook hadn't been there with me.
"Our son is alone out there, Kookie. Who knows how scared he might be." I crashed in Jungkook's arms, now completely hysterical. Taehyung and Jane went looking for Jung Hee again.
"I'll go see if there are any CCTV anywhere or if there was any parked car alongside the street, so we can look at the camera footage." Namjoon told us before leaving.

Author pov

"Jung Hee?!" He called the little boy, waving at him from afar.
"Hobi huyng?!" Jung Hee went running towards him and hugged him.
"What are you doing here all alone? Didn't Mommy tell you not to step away from her sight, huh?!" He had kneeled down to the kid's eye level and was looking at him fondly.
"I wanted an ice cream, but Taehyungie said to wait for appa." He pouted as his eyes started to get teary.
"Well, if you want, I can take you. What do you say?!" He smiled at the little boy.
"But mommy... and appa would cry... when Jung Hee is not there." Now, he was sobbing through the tears as he messed up the words, not wanting the ice cream anymore.
"I will call her and tell her you're with me, okay?! We will go buy ice cream and I will take you back to your mom. What do you say?!" Jung Hee nodded. After wiping the little boy's tears, he held his hand and headed towards the car.
"Jung Hee, smile for mommy." He asked the little boy who, in the meantime, was playing with a video game.
"Hi, Mommy." He talked all happy as he waved for the camera, without a worry in the world. Hobi started writing something to send along with the video.
"Looking for someone?!" He hit send right after he was done.

Y/n pov

I heard my phone beep. I had the phone in my hand, waiting for a call from anyone who might have found him. Jung Hee knew my phone number by heart. I had taught him that just in case. Instead, a video from an unknown number showed up. I managed to open it even if my hands were trembling. I gulped as soon as I saw the content. It was Jung Hee. He was in someone's car, playing with a video game and waving for the camera.
"Kookie!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
"I found him... I think." Jungkook had left me alone for a second because he was explaining everything to the police. He came running towards me. I didn't say anything. My hands were still shaky. I just showed him the video. He tried to call the number but, as expected, it went straight to voice-mail.
"I swear, I'm gonna kill whoever may be behind this, I swear!" Jungkook grinded his teeth before starting to inhale deeply. I tried to gather my thoughts as we played the video over and over again.
"It's probably someone he knows. He looked very calm. See?!" Jungkook looked at the video again, this time more carefully. He was trying to make out a detail or something that may lead him to the kidnapper or to a known location but nothing.
"Why did they send the video to your phone and not mine?" He asked. I shook my head and shrugged, not knowing what to answer. Right now, I wasn't in the right state of mind to think so thoroughly. After a few seconds, we heard another beep. This time, it was Jungkook's phone.
"I would get rid of the police if I were you. If you want to see your son again, I mean." After cursing several times, Jungkook started running around, looking for someone suspicious that might be watching us closely. It was like looking for a needle in a haystack. They could be anywhere. Jungkook did as he was told and dismissed the police. As soon as they left, we heard another beep.
"There you go. Wasn't that hard, was it?!" Jungkook tried to call again, but no answer.
"If you want to see your son, come at Min Corp at 2 pm. Both of you. 10th floor, meeting room. You know what happens if you tell anyone, right?! I'm counting on you being smart." Jungkook held me close as I tried to collect myself.
"We'll find him, I promise you."
We waited at the Kim household until it was time to go back to Min Corp. My father knew I'd be out all day, so at least, I didn't have to explain what happened. The fewer people knew, the better. We arrived at Min Corp five minutes before the appointment. Namjoon and his security guys were keeping an eye on the building from afar, trying not to get detected.
"Can you hear me?" I saw Jungkook trying the earbud. While waiting at the Kim mansion, Namjoon had suggested that Jungkook kept an undetectable earbud so he could be in touch with everything going on.
"Yes, loud and clear." Jungkook saw how nervous I was and took my hand in his. We walked hand in hand under the astonished eyes of people that were present inside the lobby. They started to look at us and murmur between each other. Jungkook left my hand only to secure it around my waist. He went all in and squeezed my waist tighter as he placed a kiss on my temple. The lady at the reception desk gasped out loud as she remained with her mouth hanging wide. Jungkook turned around to look at her challengingly, but she lowered her gaze immediately, pretending to work.
When we finally made it to the 10th floor, there was no one around. I was on the verge of a panic attack, but Jungkook kept telling me that everything would be fine. We opened the door to the meeting room and the first thing we saw was Jung Hee. As soon as he heard the door open, he came running towards us.
"Mommy! Appa!" I too ran towards my son and held him securely in my arms as I looked around the empty room. Jungkook hugged us both as Jung Hee threw his arm around his father's neck. Then, I started to check if he was alright. After making sure he was okay, I was about to ask him why he was completely alone in this big room or, so I thought, until I heard a familiar voice.
"What a beautiful family!" Someone exclaimed as he got out from behind the big screen in front of us.
"Hobi hyung?!" I exclaimed as I widened my eyes in shock. A weird feeling was suddenly taking over me. What was he doing here?! And why did he have Jung Hee with him. Something was completely off.
"Y/n, what are you talking about?! Hobi who?!" Jungkook asked me. He had grabbed my shoulder and was squeezing it, which made me turn my attention to him.
"Hobi huyng." I pointed at Hobi. "He's an old friend from N.Y. I wonder what he is doing here. And why is he with Jung Hee." Then, I saw his expression change into a smug one.
"Y/n, what are you talking about?! There's no Hobi. He's Yoongi, Min Yoongi." I kept looking from Jungkook to Yoongi, shaking my head in denial.
"It can't be. I know him. We went to university together, back in N.Y." I kept repeating to myself and Jungkook. Jungkook was shocked himself. Then, Yoongi started to speak.
"Hi, Y/n. Nice to see you again. Sorry, I lied to you. I had to. I hope you understand." As he was about to add something else, Jungkook closed the gap between them and, with his right fist, knocked him out of the park. He had been holding on for too long. He would have continued if it weren't for Jung Hee crying out loud in my arms.
"This is for taking away my son. You crazy son of a bitch!" As Yoongi got himself up, we were unaware that someone else was also observing the scene.
"Ah, you're finally here!" We heard Yoongi exclaim as he lifted himself up and straightened his jacket. He was looking at someone behind us. We turned around and there they were. Jungkook's mother and his... wife. I was taken but surprise but Jungkook didn't even flinch. In the meantime, Jungkook was holding his son and talking to him, trying to calm him down.
"Y/n?!" His mother stared at me from head to toe as if she had just seen a ghost. Then, she looked at Jungkook who was holding Jung Hee in his arms. Jung Hee, feeling observed by strangers and still scared, had hidden his face in his father's shoulder.
"Hello, Mrs. Jeon." I simply answered, not bothering to bow at her.
"What are you doing here?" She went straight to the point. During all of this time, Se Ra had been frozen in place. She didn't even look at me once. She kept staring only at Jungkook who was holding his son. It must have come as a shock to her. Jungkook kept ignoring everyone. His first priority now was his son.
"Let me answer that for you, Mrs. Jeon." Yoongi interviened. I narrowed my eyes at him, now knowing his true identity.
"She is the CEO of an American company we are working with. She came here for work and to reunite father and son, I assume. Aren't they adorable?!" Jungkook took out his phone and called someone. The call was very brief. He kept staring at Yoongi menacingly but he couldn't do anything while he was holding Jung Hee. He didn't want to scare his son further. After no more than a minute, we saw Secretary Cha come towards us walking in a fast pace. She bowed without saying a word as she kept looking around dumbfounded.
"Secretary Cha, take my son to my office and stay there with him. Don't leave him alone and don't let anyone near him, unless is Taehyung." Upon hearing the word "son" she widened her eyes a bit but she collected herself pretty quickly and nodded promptly. Jungkook had put Jung Hee down and was talking at him as he wiped some tears from his puffy eyes.
"Sweetheart, Secretary Cha will take you to appa's office now, okay?! Will you be scared?" He shook his head.
"Good boy!" Jungkook kissed his cheek as I kept looking at the two of them.
"We will come and get you very soon. Don't be afraid, okay. Now hold Secretary Cha's hand and don't let it go." He nodded, holding her hand as if his life depended on it. When I raised my head, I realized Jungkook's mother expression had changed. She was staring at her nephew. This was the first time I had seen her gaze soften upon looking at someone. But the moment was short lived since we got all interrupted by Yoongi talking again.
"You know, JayKay. I had to make up a whole new fake identity for her. I even had to enroll to university, for crying out loud. Me?! Do you realize that?!" Jungkook bumped his fist on the table making everyone jump. Yoongi, witnessing how irritated Jungkook was, got dangerously close to him to spite him even more. I took a fast look at Se Ra and she was shaking with anger. Her eyes were all red and she looked like she was gonna explode any minute now. Jungkook's mother was trying to calm her while side eyeing me. Yoongi put everything out of their thoughts, again.
"You know how annoying it was listening to her talk about you nonstop. Jungkook this, Jungkook that. No matter what I did, was never good enough for her. I was in the hospital when your son was born but nope. All the way to the hospital, she kept crying and calling your name. I helped her with everything, even with her current job but all she could see was you. And your son looking exactly like you didn't help either. Then, I hated you even more. I realized she was never gonna fall for anyone else. It was then, I decided to play God and make you both suffer." I closed the gap swiftly and slapped him hard.
"You bastard! I'm gonna make you pay for everything you did to us, mark my words." Upon hearing my threats, he tilted his head back and started to laugh out loud. He was the only one laughing. Everyone else was unsettled.
"Well, before you do that, I have a surprise for you." Jungkook and I looked at each other. We saw him take the remote and switch on the big screen in front of us. It was a video of Jungkook and I having sex a few nights before, at Jimin's apartment. I gasped as I put my hands over my mouth. Se Ra was shocked to say the least. She started crying as she looked at us in horror. Then, she took the big vase that was standing on the table and threw it over where Jungkook and I were standing.
"You bitch, how dare you!" She started insulting me like a hysterical person who was out of control.
"Se Ra, don't you dare! If you have something to say, say it to me. You have no business with her." He pointed the finger at her as he placed himself in front of me, protectively.
"Then keep your whore away from me!" He was about to go there and do God knows what but I dragged him by the arm.
"Then don't insult my woman!" Se Ra started stomping her feet and screaming out loud. Jungkook's mother had turn her back to the screen. She kept shaking her head at us, reprimandely.
Jungkook took the remote out of Yoongi's hand and switched it off.
"Whatever. This will be broadcasted all over the building, by the way, if you don't stop whatever this is." He pointed at the two of us. Right then, Jungkook caught Yoongi by the tie and trapped him between himself and the table.
"Now listen to me well, Min Yoongi. You can broadcast it worldwide if you want. I'm never gonna feel ashamed of doing what I did, do you hear me?! I'll never give up on my family so I could please your sadistic needs, never again. One more thing, I also have a surprise for you. It's so big that you won't even see it coming." For the first time, Jungkook had caught Yoongi by surprise. He took advantage of that moment of distraction to hit him so many times that he knocked him out completely. I turned around to look at Jungkook who crushed me in his arms. Jungkook's mother was still dumbfounded, not uttering a single word. She just dragged one of the chairs and sat there. No one hadn't realized that Se Ra was gone. I was about to ask but at that moment, Jungkook's phone rang. It was Secretary Cha.
"Sir, come quickly! Se Ra has your son. She entered the office holding a gun. She took him on the rooftop. Sir. Please, run!"

p.s: it's showtime!

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