chapter 10

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Y/n pov

We walked outside to join the others. They were laughing and having fun, except for Namjoon, who had a sour expression on his face. They acknowledged our arrival but didn't look our way until we sat down.
"Did you guys get to talk?" Taehyung asked with a smirk on his face.
"Hmmm..." I vaguely answered, not knowing what to say. Jungkook didn't say anything.
"Y/n, you reek of JayKay!" Jin put me on the spot, and I just wanted the earth to open up and swallow me whole.
"Dude, would you shut it. You're drunk!" If Jungkook could, he would have choked Jin so he would stop embarrassing me.
"JayKay was clearly doing a great job talking because the UN called to congratulate you both on how the peace treaty talks were going in there." Jin was drunk and laughing out loud at his own words. Jane and Taehyung were staring at each other, clearly embarrassed, and Namjoon was looking the other way. Jungkook was so calm, and I was really pissed at him for continuing to keep his cool when I clearly couldn't.
"Oh, come on, we're just kidding. And, it's not the first time we've heard you and JayKay going at it. Ah, the good ol' times." Jin said, still laughing. Namjoon tried to shut him up but to no avail. They had clearly heard me moan, and I just wanted to disappear. After excusing ourselves, Jane and I left. Jungkook had called his driver to get us home since both of us had been drinking.
When we arrived, everyone was already asleep. I went to check in on Jung Hee and give him the good night kiss.
Since neither of us felt like going to bed yet, Jane and I decided to talk a bit outside in the garden.
"So, how did it go?!" She asked, with a smirk, winking at me.
"Oh, come on, not you too." I covered my face with both hands, which made Jane laugh.
"Shush, keep it down!" I pinched her playfully, but she wouldn't stop.
"Y/n, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. And, you're both adults, so..." She smiled at me, trying to make me feel better.
"Was it that bad?!" I asked her, still embarrassed.
"Let me just say that if Namjoon hadn't stopped him, Jin would have been eavesdropping on the other side of the door. I think we were all getting horny at one point." She tried to suppress her laughter with both hands.
"OMG, I will never get out of the house again, ever." After what Jane told me, I needed a shot of soju.
"Now I get why you're so hung up on Jungkook. You little... "slut"! She air quoted the last word laughing so hard at my misery and I wanted to dig a hole in the ground and stay in there, forever.
"Y/n, no more teasing, promise." before adding.
"On a serious note, what are you going to do now?" She was studying my face, clearly concerned about my well-being.
"I really have no idea. I've never been so confused in my entire life. Even when I left Seoul the first time, I had a better vision than the one I have now." After what I said, we just enjoyed the silence surrounding us while drinking soju.
I was getting ready for bed when I heard the phone beep. It was a message from Jungkook.
"I have really missed everything about you, about us." I didn't know if  replying would be a good idea, but I went with it.
"I missed you, too, but there's no us, not anymore." I heard the phone beep again.
"To me, we never stopped being us. Good night, my lovely." And before falling into dreamland, I wondered how easily it came to him to crush the walls I've been trying to build around me during these past years.

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