chapter 19

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Y/n pov

Here I was, on my first day at the new private university, where all the chaebol heirs got their higher education. My father, had managed to get me a scholarship, courtesy of the Kim Group Foundation. He and Mr. Kim Senior, had been long time friends, since their military days. That's how he managed to get a good job position there, after finishing the university with summa cum laude. Namjoon and I got to know each other since our childhood. Even though we were a middle class family, Namjoon parents never looked down on us or opposed to our forming relationship. I guess, it was also due to the fact that, my father, had saved Mr. Kim's life back in the military when, unexpectedly, a fire accident had occurred in the kitchen area where the two of them had been appointed.
Namjoon was two years my senior. He was the second of three sons. Seokjin was two years older meanwhile Taehyung, was a year younger. Other than being a good-looking man, Namjoon was bright and very considerate, and not just to me but, to everyone. He was my first love and my best friend. We had so much in common that conversations never failed to flow when were together. Even though we went to different schools, we still managed to spend time together and enjoy each other's company, whenever we could.
I was waiting for him outside the university building when, I saw his smiling face coming towards me. Despite not being new to the university surroundings, he still had insisted to show me around.
"Now, I finally get to see my girlfriend, every day." We locked our hands together, closing the distance between us.
"If only." I pouted at him. "In a few weeks you'll leave for your overseas internship." I said, with a sullen expression.
"Why couldn't you just take the internship your own company offers?" I investigated, with a bit of hope in my voice.
"I wish I could." He sighed. "My father believes that, if I get to do the internship inside our own company, people will suck up to me and won't let me know if I did something wrong. If you remember, this is the first company he made me apply for, a long time ago." He wasn't very thrilled at the idea of staying away from me, either.
"I wish I could come with you." I started behaving like an obsessive girlfriend and it was something it always creeped me out, until now.
"You won't even realize how fast time will fly by. And, we'll get to talk every day, anyway." He pulled me closer in order to give me a peck on the lips. While smiling at him, my eyes got distracted by a male figure coming out of the Polo field. He was dressed in all white and had this aura around him, looking like Lucifer falling from the heavens. The white breeches, fit easily into the natural colored leather ridding boots. They had a strechy regular fit down his long legs, complimenting the fine figure. While the white polo t-shirt, enveloped his well defined upper body, doing him justice. He held his figure so elegantly, as if he were walking on the runaway. He took off the helmet, ruffling his hand through the black hair by tilting his head back a bit.
"Hey, earth to Y/n?" Namjoon must have waved his hand in front of my face for a while, judging from the annoyed expression he had when I turned around to look at him, again.
"Oh, I was just wondering who that guy were. I have never seen him in a Polo game, before." I don't know why but, I felt like I was caught cheating.
"Ah, I see. JayKay has yet made another victim. I never thought it would be you too, though." He said, while eyeing me suspiciously.
"JayKay?" I asked, intrigued.
"His name is Jeon Jungkook, aka "International playboy". Every woman, foreign and not, has never failed to fall for his charms. The only heir to the Jeon Corp empire. He also joined the university, this year. Used to study in the States but, due to his father's poor health, he had to return to Korea, in order to stay close to his family."
I couldn't take my eyes of off him. I was hypnotized. It was like my entire body was glued to his figure.
"Hey! Do I need to be afraid of him, too?!" He eyed me, questioningly.
"Oh, come on, Joonie. You know you're the only one for me. And, you're way more handsome than him." I said, while trying to make it up to him by pulling him in a tight embrace. He lowered his head to give me a deep kiss. Just when we were about to get handsy, our love bubble got spolied by the sound of footsteps coming our way.
"Ewww...get a room!" Taehyung booed us, pretending to be appalled by our PDA session.
"You jealous?" Namjoon asked him, sarcastically.
"If only! Lucky for the ladies, I'm not a one woman man. I can't disappoint the female population like you do." He made a funny face at Namjoon, by sticking his tongue out.
"And what is that supposed to mean, huh?!" I pretended to be ofended by his allegations.
"Just saying that, you have made lots of enemies on your first day here, Y/n, by parading your relationship with one of the most eligible bachelors in Seoul." He threw an arm around my shoulders.
"Good for me, then. Now everyone knows he's off the market." Taehyung enjoyed teasing me. Whenever we were together, I felt like he were my own little brother rather than Namjoon's. We bickered like old ladies, all the time.
"Dude, do you let her talk to you like that?!" Taehyung put on a fake disappointed expression, tsk tsk-ing while shaking his head.
"Whatever she says, goes." Namjoon answered him, proudly.
"Jeez, you're so married! It's not even fun trying to tease you." While laughing with each other, we heard a voice coming from behind us.
"Hyung, see you tomorrow at practice." Jungkook said to Taehyung, giving him a pat on the shoulder which made all of us turn towards him. I freezed on the spot, seeing him that close. My air supply was cut short and I think I became all colors of red but I couldn't stop staring. He eyed me for a second but didn't say anything. He turned his attention back to Taehyung and winked at him. After he put a safe distance between us, I exclaimed.
"Ughh, rude." I thought I was talking to myself but apparently, I had exteriorized my thoughts out loud.
"Well, he's not!" Taehyung was quick to answer. I had never seen him defend someone so fiercely.
"It's just his way to keep women at bay. They all try to hump his bones as if he were the polo horse, not the player." Taehyung pointed out.
"I wasn't gonna hump him, pfff... I thought you knew better. Not all women want to hump his bones, as you, gracefully, put it." I don't know why Jungkook's behavior bothered me so much. I didn't even know the guy. Probably, it was due to the way Taehyung had defended him. Namjoon kept eyeing me but, didn't say anything.
The next day, with a schedule in my hands, I was trying to find my classes. The building was huge and my sense of orientation basically non-existent so, obviously, I got lost. Unfortunately, Namjoon had an early lesson and couldn't accompany me. And, I wanted to show him I was perfectly capable of handling the situation on my own which I was successfully failing, at the moment. Eyeing the number on the classroom plate, I had stuck my head at the half-opened door to make sure it was the right course when I heard someone 'ahem' into my ear, making me jump a little.
"Trying to find Narnia?" I turned around but, I was so focused on my task I hadn't recognized his voice. I tried to compose myself as much as I could, before thinking of a good comeback to his pun.
"Erm...I found the lion, the witch and now, the audacity of this bitch!" I pointed at his figure, surprised at my own behavior. I expected him to be pissed or something but, to my surprise, he started laughing out loud.
"I deserve that!" He admitted defeat.
"Jeon Jungkook, by the way. Sorry I didn't get a chance to introduce myself yesterday. I was so mad we lost the game, I couldn't think straight." He extended his hand, smiling at me and, I thought my knees went out for a second.
"Lee Y/n. A newcomer. Trying to find the right...wardrobe?!" I smiled back at him. It was like a reflex whenever he smiled at me. I couldn't keep myself from smiling. I felt like an idiot. It didn't last long though because it froze on my lips the moment I saw a sullen faced Namjoon coming from the other side of the corridor. Taehyung was next to him. I saw Jungkook staring at me before he turned around to take a look at whatever had distracted me. Namjoon and Taehyung made their way towards us.
"Hi, babe." He got closer and gave me a peck on the lips and then, put an arm around my waist, claiming his territory. "JayKay." Namjoon nodded at him. Jungkook nodded back. On the other hand, Taehyung and him, fist-bumped each other.
"I thought you had a class now." Namjoon stated, directing his gaze towards me. I noticed a slightly tense expression lingering on his face.
"Yes, I was about to enter. I got lost and there's when Jungkook found me. He was helping me out." I simply replied.
"How thoughtful of him." Namjoon replied sarcastically but, Jungkook's face remained blank, giving away no emotion. As if Namjoon was talking about somebody else entirely. Taehyung was being rather tight-lipped, looking from Namjoon to Jungkook, back and forth.
"Yes, apparently, we are taking the same class. Don't worry, though. I'll take care of her, so she won't get lost, again." Jungkook interviened, smiling at Namjoon. A smile which didn't reassure him, at all. Namjoon's comeback answer didn't fail to arrive.
"I'm not worried. And no need, thanks, this was a one time thing. I'll make sure my girlfriend doesn't need your services again." Namjoon arched an eyebrow and curved his lip in a smug. Jungkook huffed in challenge and opened the classroom door, in order to let me in first but, not before taking a last look at Namjoon. Before the classroom door was completely closed, I managed to hear Taehyung say to Namjoon.
"Oh, man, this is baaaaad."

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