Chapter 39:Shift

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Chapter 39: November 2, 2088 12:45
The Unnamed

Chava had passed out in the taxi after having thrown up twice. Unfortunately the last time his mouth doesn't make it out the window before his vomit comes pouring on the floor of the taxi. The pacifier, in annoyance, threw some curse words at him before choosing to drop him off at the hospital. "Men" she says under her breath. My nose doesn't seem to catch the indecent scent, unfortunately that is not the case for my poor woman... my woman. The thought comes in so innocently without knowing the true nature that comes with it.

I fade into the want to be snuggled in between her chest confronted by her warmth. Her hand grazes my hair as she brushes through my dark waves. "Look out the window" her voice coldly snapes me out of my daydream as I hesitantly do as she asks. She must have sensed the shift in the air as I thought of her. "De repente hace un montón de calor aquí. Necesito checar el sistema de aire acondicionado." The driver says as he puts his hand in front of the A/C vents.

I try my best to put my focus on the outside busil, anything to calm the heat within me inundating through the taxi. My fingers grase the different buttons on the side of the door until my window goes down allowing all the smells of the outside world consume the taxi.

"We're here." The Pacifier says to me as she opens her door. I follow close behind her. Clouds of people stand in lines to get into the building we head to. Four men guard the large entrance as they stop us, one of them walks up to guide the three of us inside.

I wanted to do a double update this week. Next week's chapter is already written just needs some editing!! Hope everyone is well.

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