That's bad for you. | Chapter 32

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After what I heard, I made my way downstairs. Quietly. Would be embarrassing to get caught. How would I worm myself out of that one? Oh, I was just admiring the trimming. Please.
I walked over to the kitchen and reached my grubby little fingers over to the alcohol cabinet. Should I be drinking on a school night? For sure not. Will I do it anyway? Obviously. How else would I drown my sorrows?

First this goofy-ass Monique girl. No offense to his first love or whatever the hell she was but move over I'm taking over. Now they're keeping secrets. Do you know what never keeps secrets? Alcohol. Sweet sweet social lubricant. I grabbed a glass and decided on what to get. I glanced over the vodka, whiskey, apple liquor, and tequila. Yikes, tequila. Mad PTSD. 
Now. I'm no bartender but I whip up a good cocktail. I poured some vodka into the tall glass I had using the cocktail jigger and some apple liquor for some good measure, added some lime juice, and topped it off with some apple juice. Delicious. Sour and tastes like lemonade. Perfect. I grabbed my glass and walked over to the living room to go out in the backyard for some private time because I doubt anyone will still be awake soon, it's really late. My eyes caught sight of something really dangerous and addictive. Cigarettes. This is bad but I do like a good smoke after a drink. Just one time. Bill won't miss these. God knows he smokes like 10 packs a day and so would I. If my mother asks then I would never touch those. Just putting that out there for legal reasons.

I grabbed the pack and headed out. I slipped on some slides and walked over to the couch where we were making out on. I set down the pack for now and sipped on my drink. So good. I reached for the blanket that was resting on the arm of the couch and wrapped it over me and put my legs under me. Cozy as hell. 
I didn't wanna even think about anything. I just wanted to enjoy my time alone. If I think then I can't stop and I don't want to create something in my head that's not true. If it's important then he will tell me. Who knows, maybe the "she" they were talking about wasn't even me? I love a good main character moment but I gotta chill. I set down my drink, already having had half of it. I took a cigarette and grabbed a lighter that was already inside it. Lit it up and inhaled away. 

Oh fuck yeah.

Should I call Adrian? What would he tell me he would do? Bang it out probably. Well, gay sex will not fix this situation. I'd need some girl talk but Chantel would wanna bang my boyfriend for me. 

Jesus Christ.

I took another sip.

I'm really fucking sad.

I don't think I can sleep next to him today. 

I let out a sigh of annoyance as I heard the sliding door open.

"Isn't it a bit cold out here?" a familiar voice said.

"I don't know. Are you a scoundrel? A god damn hooligan?" I replied.

"I'll take that as a yes," Tom said as he came over and sat down next to me, "Those are bad for you, you know?" he said as he pointed at the cigarette between my lips.

"Aren't you mister obvious today," I stated, rolling my eyes at him in annoyance.

"Color me shocked at your obvious use of sarcasm to avoid your feelings," he said, leaning back and taking a sip of my drink that he stole from the table. "Does this have alcohol?"

"No, you're just delusional," I said and exhaled the smoke.

"Come on. What's wrong?" he asked getting concerned.

I sighed. Do I tell him? He has the emotional intelligence of a toaster.

"Promise not to say anything to anyone else?" I said against my better judgment.

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