Fainted|Chapter 2

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Chapter II

"Jesus on a cracker." I said once I realized who it was.

The bad boy himself. Tom Kaulitz bumped into me, I hope Raquel doesn't see him and if she does then she will tell about her undying love for him. Wait... if he was here, the other three would be too.

"Hello, Earth to Roselle." Zoella waved her hand in front of me.

"Sorry, got lost in my thoughts."

"Thinking about Tom, arent you?" she smirked.

"No, actually. I was thinking what my sister would do if she saw him and the others?" I said to her as we walked back to the girls.

"You know about the band?" she asked surprised.

"Seriously? They are world wide famous." she nodded at that. We finally saw them and sat down.

"Guys, this is Zoella, Zoella this is my sister Raquel and this is Chantel." I introduced them.

"Hi." they said at the same time.

"Hey, I have to get my books from my locker, Raquel see ya at Maths." I said and rushed to my locker.

I got the lock the lock opened and took my books out of the locker. Somebody leaned against the locker that was next to me and he coughed.

"So where are you from? Heaven?" Tom smirked.

"Yeah. I'm a ghost. I died fifteen years ago, just like that pick-up line." I replied sarcastically.

The smirk was wiped from his face, he was speechless. I guess he never thought that any girl would turn him down. I walked away, but he jogged up to me and started walking casually next to me.

"I'm surprised. You're the first girl that turned me down." he said.

"Can't you take a hint and leave me the fuck alone?" I asked a little annoyed.

"I think you need to take a chill pill." he smirked again. I walked towards my class, Tom still next to me.

"Did it hurt when you fell down from whore tree and banged every girl on each branch?"

"Ouch. That hurt right here." he said while placing his hand on his heart.

I finally was in front of the class room and went inside. I sat all the way back in the class room leaving one row behind me. I got out my pen and waited for the teacher. Chantel entered the class and she sat next to me.

"Hey, would you like to go to the mall after school? You can take your sister with us, if you'd like." she asked.

"Um, sure, I really need new clothes right now." She smiled at me and I felt that someone poked me from behind.





I turned around glaring at whoever poked me. After I turned around, there he was again. His whole gang was there, the whole band.

"You've got to be kidding me." I mumbled.

I watched the other guys, their eyes went big after they saw me, but they quickly turned back to normal. What was that about?Chantel was watching us wide eyed, 'You know them?' she asked without a voice. I shook my head.




"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I asked a little loudly, gaining everyone's attention.

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