Rainbow road. |Chapter 14

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"Suck my dick, Howard." Granny T exclaimed rather loudly.

"I love your grandparents," Adrian said in admiration.

"Yeah, they're interesting people," I admitted and continued to watch their bickering.

"You don't even have one, but I do." Howard spat back.

"Oh, really? I haven't seen one in ten years! Did you eat it or-- or did it shrink?" She yelled, her voice echoing through the house.

"Don't brink my dick into this. It's innocent." He cried.

"Okaay, I, uh, I think we should stop talking about dicks. It makes Tom uncomfortable. You know how guys are with their size." I joked about his size and Tom glared at me.

"She's lying." Tom accused.

"It's okay to be insecure, Tommy." Howard patted him on the shoulder.

"I'm not." He cried.

"It's okay. Let it all out." He soothed a really annoyed looking Tommy.

"Oh, now you're hitting on guys?" Grams accused.

"No!" He yelled and held his arms up in surrender.

"That's Adrian's job." I pointed out.

"Yeah!" Adrian agreed.

Grams lifted up her sleeve to look at her watch. Her eyes got wide as she saw the time.

"Oh no, My Little Pony is on!" She screeched and grabbed her hair out of frustration. She runs frantically around the living room. She then saw the tv and bellyflops onto the couch to get to the remote.

"I made it, but I think I broke my ribs!" She shouted and turned the tv on. My Little Pony's theme song and her singing filled the room. We all looked at each other warily an glanced back at Granny T.

"Oh come on, Fluttershy. Man the fuck up and stop being a god damn pushover!" She screamed at the poor yellow pony.

"Don't talk to her like that." Gramps scolded.

"Now you're on her side, huh? I see how it is." She glared at him. "I'm gonna ask Applejack to kick you in the balls." She smirked.

"Oh, yeah? I'm gonna ask Twilight Sparkle to stab you with her horn in your vagin---" Howard threatened.

"Whoa, whoa, okay, that's enough. Let's not bring ponies into this, alright? Think about what the, uh, what's her name again? Blue Dash? Rainbow road, no?" I forgot her name.

"It's Rainbow Dash, you dimwit!" Grans screeched at me for forgetting her name.

"That's what I said. Is that what Rainbow Dash would do? Would she fight over whatever you two are fighting about?" I asked.

"Yes, actually. Rainbow is the reckless and kinda violent one." Adrian informed.

"Not helping." I hissed.

"Yeah, Jack Frost is right. You said not to bring ponies into this, but what are you doing? Dragging innocent Rainbow Dash into this. She doesn't deserve such cruelty." Granny T cried.

"What are you fighting about anyway?" I asked because I have no clue.

"Oh, because-- because, uh..." Grams stuttered.

"It was that...thing?" Howard said unsurely.

"You don't even know yourselves," I said.

"Shut up, of course we know!" He yelled.

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