You're just a hater. | Chapter 15

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My eyes snapped open, but I couldn't see anything because my face was buried in the pillow. My huge blanket was wrapped around me, I've never been so warm. But something was different. It felt like I was suffocating, this heavyweight was on top of my back. I groaned and tried to turn around, but to no avail.

"Where are you trying to go?" the voice asked while sitting on my back.

"I'm trying to get you off of me." I snapped grumpily.

"Oh, come on, Angel." the thick German accent told.

"Don't call me that." I snapped at Bill.

"Is it bothering you, Angel?" he chuckled.

"Your face is bothering me. Now get off." I growled and pushed him off of me.

"Kinky. I like it." He laughed.

"Be quiet." I groaned and rolled out of my bed. I feel like I've been drinking for 10 years straight.

"After everything we've been through, you're just gonna leave me like that? You wound me, Angel," he smirked and made himself comfortable on my bed.

I flipped him the bird and shut the bathroom door with a loud bang. I looked in the mirror and damn did I look like a homeless person. And what is that birds nest on top of my head? I need coffee. And then I can sacrifice Bill to Lucifer. That was meant to be a secret, damn it. I did my business and combed the nest out of my hair. A little better. I did my eyebrows, eyeshadow and curled my eyelashes and used some mascara. My skin is pretty flawless right now.

I pushed the door open, it added the dramatic effect. I expected Bill to jump out from somewhere, but instead he was sprawled on my bed, slightly snoring. I snapped a picture and snickered to myself. I used the chance to clothe myself. Need to look fabulous. Oh, look at that permanent marker on my desk looking at me desperately, waiting to be used for face painting.

And you know what marker? I'm gonna use you. No hard feelings.

I picked it up and took off the cap. I walked slowly to the bed and wrote 'I support eating poo from the toilet'. Can't draw a mustache cause he already has one. Bummer! But I can draw a penis on both of his cheeks. I feel like that's what Tom would do. Perfect! I should become an artist.

I'm such a creative person. I put on the cap and tossed the marker on the floor. I pursed my lips and decided on how I should wake him up. I could use the frying pan method my mom used on me. That should wake him up. The alarm clocks certainly did. I'll use the frying pans when we have to get going so that he can't have the time to check the mirror.

You're such a genius.

I know right.

My door creaked open. Raquel popped her head in my room and raised her brow. She then narrowed her eyes at me and then back at Bill. She did that several times.

"Did you drug him?" she accused.

"My sexiness was too much for him to handle," I replied and put on my black leather jacket and grabbed my bag. I walked out of the room, but Raquel stopped me.

"What about him?" she questioned.

"We'll leave him behind," I replied jokingly.

"What?" she shrieked.

"Just kidding, woman. I'll wake him up soon enough." I told and made my way downstairs.

I dropped my bag next to my black ankle boots. I hate Mondays. I really do. Five days to be under Courtney's evil glare. I won't be surprised if she's gonna strangle me one day.

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