Close but so far. |Chapter 26

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There was blood on his hands...

A million thoughts ran through my head.

Screw my grandparents, I thought.

I ran over to his side, picked up his hands. I rolled up the sleeves and it wasn't what I thought. As I double checked, I did notice something.

Scars... A lot of them. I lifted my gaze and we locked eyes.

God, his eyes are so beautiful...

Not the time, damn it, Roselle.

I sighed and my heart broke. But why? Why did he do that to himself? The scars aren't fresh so it was a long time ago but still....

His eyes showed what he felt. The pain was clear in his eyes. His tear fell into my lap and left a wet spot. He rested his forehead on mine and we stayed like that for a few seconds.

"Not to interrupt this lovely moment but unfortunately, I am bleeding to death. Please help," Ruben interrupted.

I looked over at Ruben and there was a small puddle of blood on the floor near his head. He must have hit his head as he fell.

"Shit," I said and Adrian turned around to look at him.

"Oh, my God. I'll save you, Daddy," he said and dropped down to his knees next to him. He leaned over him and started giving him mouth to mouth, "Don't you die on me." he yelled.

"Adrian!!" I shouted.

"I don't have time. I'm trying to save my Daddy's life," he said and kept giving him mouth to mouth. Ruben didn't even seem to mind... probably because he was so out of it. Not to mention it wasn't even necessary.

We should probably take him to the hospital, I thought.

"Ruben!" grams shouted and ran over to us. More like waddled, "You're bleeding. Let's get you to a hospital!" she said.

"I'll come too. I need to support Daddy in this difficult time," he added.

So done with his shit, to be honest.

They left to take him to the hospital and I heard snoring coming from nearby. I looked toward the sound and saw gramps sleeping on the floor.

Goodnight, I guess.

I turned to look back at Bill but he wasn't there anymore. Where did he go? I stood up and went up the stairs, leaving gramps alone.

I stopped walking when I reached his room. The door was open. I peeked inside and he wasn't there either.

Where the hell did you go? I thought.

I stepped back and headed for my room. As I was about to enter my room, I heard voices in Tom's room. Very similar voices. I narrowed my eyes at the door and wondered if I should listen. 

Nooooo, I thought.

I'm not a nosy bitch.

Of course, you are, I rolled my eyes at myself.

Yeah, that's true.

I gulped and quietly walked toward the door. I tried to calm my breathing and leaned against the frame and tried to listen. They were pretty quiet but obviously because I was right by the door I could hear them that clearly. I hope no one sees me. That would be awkward.

"I'm so sorry, man," Tom said.

Sorry about what?

"Fuck..." another voice said, "I just can't. I miss her, man. It's not the same. It will never be the same," his voice broke.

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