If I only had a dart...|Chapter 22

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"I didn't even realize I was this gorgeous?" Georg said from the passenger seat as he looked into the visor mirror.

"Imagination is a powerful thing, isn't it?" my sarcasm came out to play as it does all the time, actually.

"I can feel his ego deflating," Tom commented from the back seat.

"Nobody asked for your opinion, Tom," Georg turned around to glare at him.

"Sometimes the truth hurts," Tom said. That poetic little shit.

"Let's play a game," Raquel suggested.

"Depends on what game," Bill said.

"I spy," she replied and her hands made a rainbow motion, "I'll start. I spy something that is round and covered with black leather," she said.

"Bill?" I guessed.

"Shut up," Bill rolled his eyes and I chuckled.

"Oh, oh a steering wheel," I said.

"You're not so dumb after all," my sister insulted me.

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes.

"I spy something that Bill can never have," Tom said.

"A good personality?" I guessed.

"A bigger dick?" Tom said.

"Wait, doesn't that mean he already has a big dick?" Gustav pointed out and Tom had a thoughtful look on his face.

"Ooh, I get it. He can't have Roselle," Georg said loudly.

"Aaaand that is enough of this game," I pursed my lips together.

♫ ♫ ♫  

"Aw, man," Adrian groaned from beside me and I gave him a look of confusion," I forgot I have to organize the Halloween party," he explained.

I nodded thoughtfully and said, "I'll help you, bae," I reassured him.

"Oh, and don't forget your date tonight,' he said wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Shit," I cursed.

"Roselle, Adrian, is there something you'd like to share with the class?" our teacher asked.

"Yes, you see. My great, great grandma had a seizure while playing Twister," I lied, " We're just paying our respects."

"Oh, I'm sorry," she apologized.

"I can still feel her in my heart," I said and made a peace sign.

She nodded and continued on with her lecture.

"Okay, now I feel bad," Adrian said.

"It's alright. She'll get over it," I shrugged him off.

"What if she feels so compassionate about your loss," Adrian put the word "loss" into air quotes, "that she cries herself to sleep and dies."

I just looked at him with my best bitchface. I shook my head and asked,"Have you ever considered starting a writing career?"

"No," he replied.

"Good, cause you'll be horrible at it. Cause whatever you just said doesn't make any sense," I said.

"Oh, come one. That was uncalled for," Adrian said with a small pout.

"Adrian, Rose," Mrs. Kellum warned.

"We're just reliving our old memories with her. May she rest in peace and may her heaven be filled with dogs," I placed my hand on my heart for a special effect.

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