Elephant In the Room. | Chapter 34

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Been writing this on my birthday. Love you guys, enjoy! Also almost lost a huge chunk of what I had written. Tragic. Do you guys listen to Grandson? I was at his concert in Helsinki, it was great.

♫ ♫ ♫

There I laid on my bed blasted out of my mind, my head still spinning. I just went to be by myself but my dogs joined me and sprawled themselves across my room in various different places. Adrian and Tom on my bed, Bill face down on my carpet, stroking the fluffy fibers with his fingertips and mumbling how it feels like soft grass and wants to graze on it like a cow on a happy farm, the G's were half cuddling on the hard floor.

My phone rang, which Adrian had for some reason, and threw it at me because it started talking to him in Hieroglyphics. I looked at the caller ID and it was my mom. Worst possible time to call. I answered the call and put my phone against my ear. My arm has never felt heavier.

"I got a call from the principal," she so obviously stated.

I chuckled, "I fucking beat her ass, mom."

"What have the boys been teaching you?" she asked.

"They've been nothing but kind," I answered, "Did he say why it happened?"

She paused for a moment, "Yeah, she started it, is that correct?"

"Absotootlylootly," I said, making the boys giggle.

"Haha... toot." Tom giggled.

I twirled a piece of hair with my other hand as my mom spoke again, "I'm flying there for a meeting with the principal and the Lewis family, of course, you're gonna be there as well. We'll be discussing if they're gonna press charges. I should arrive in the afternoon sometime."

"If they're gonna press charges then I'll punch her in the tit," I giggled.

"Roselle, what's up with you? You sound weirder than usual?" she questioned, "Are you high?"

"The fighters high, Mom. I'll make a career out of this. Getting my steroids shipped as we speak," I laughed some more.

"Sheesh, Rose on roids has been one of my reoccurring nightmares," Tom mumbled.

"Whatever. Matt is coming with me, by the way. Excited for you two to meet him," my mom said, "I'll call Elle after. I miss you, Rosie."

"Miss you too, Mom."

"See you tomorrow, pumpkin," she said and I told her my goodbyes.

Tom gasped a little like he just discovered the secrets of the universe, "What if we all just exploded right now?" 

Right, earth-shattering thoughts.

"I don't know about you but I just might if Georg keeps edging me like this."

"Can you both just bang already, jeez," I said in an exasperated tone.

Adrian put his hands up in the air, palms facing me, "Ayo, you can't force the art of the tantric thing we got going on. Gonna edge him for however long it takes for him to break so we can have hot heavy sex. I'm not necessarily always a bottom so I'm not losing this bet I have made with myself."

Georg chuckled, "Oh, it's on."

♫ ♫ ♫

I picked away at the wood from the corner of the table I was sitting at in the meeting room at the school. I was next to my mom and Courtney's family was sitting across from us, and The principal was at the head of the table on our right. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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